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After preparing everything, Harry leaned over the kitchen counter and quietly groaned, pulling at his hair in frustration. Why did he have to open his mouth, hm? Why?! Louis was helping them so damn much and he had to go and blurt his thoughts out like that, surely making Louis uncomfortable... Well, to be fair Harry hadn't felt so comfortable and safe with someone since he lost his leg... Who was he kidding? Nothing had felt so right like, ever. So... thinking back about the last few minutes, Louis response hadn't been so bad after all. He hadn't seemed grossed out by his words. He just seemed embarassed and shy by Harry's too bold insinuations.

"Hey Harry" Louis spoke as he aproached him.

"Oh, yeah yes. I was coming back just now" Harry smiled awkwardly.

"No rush, really. But I think Sam's awake" Louis explained, reaching for the cup of tea he was being offered.

He took a sip of it, humming in apreciation at the perfect bitter taste he loved.

"I'll go get him. Could you take this to the couch?" Harry asked, pointig to the plates before hopping to quickly put his prosthetic leg back on without waiting for a reply.

Three hours later, Harry was standing by the door with a fully awake Sam on his arms. Sam had indeed been awake and asking for some food and attention but had been quite content once Harry sat with him with a milk and cereal bottle. They movie had ended and Louis had forced himself to say that he really neded to get home. He did, as it was now quite late and he had work tomorrow again.

"Well, thank you for the food and everything, Harry. I had a great time today. I guess I'll se you again on thursday's appointment" Louis said with a shy smile, boopting Sam's nose with his finger.

"Yeah, I had a great time too. Thank you for coming, and for helping us so much" Harry smiled widely.

"No worries. I really don't mind. I- I like spending time with you" Louis replied, wishpering the last part.

They both stood there awkwardly for what felt like hours but was probably only a few seconds until Harry wrapped his free arm around Louis body. It only took him a second to hug back letting a sigh or relief, but Louis' brain completely stopped when he felt a pair of soft lips pressing on his left cheek.

A wide smile crept its way over his face as their bodies detatched and all he could do was to wave a hand and muter a unaudible ' 'night' in replie before Harry closed the door after wishing him a gentle 'good night Lou'.

Louis wasn't completely sure how he had arived home but apparently he had arrived safely because, once he realised, he was unlocking the front door, his mind still dazed.

"Oh, Loubear! Where were you? It's so late! I was worried!" His mum's voice startled him.

"Muum! I'm 24... I'm not a child anymore" Louis whinned.

"I know love, it doesn't mean that I don't worry you know" She spoke before hugging him.

" 'm sorry. I forgot to text you" He mumbled, a smile creeping on his face as he remembered the past hours. They hadn't really done anything more than watching the movie but seeing how Harry played with Sam, tickling, kissing him and blowing raspberies on his tummy, was just making his brain go mushy. And that kiss...

"What's with the creepy smile? Come on! Tell me" She smiled, her eyebrows raised.

"Muum! I was just at Harry's, okay?! His missing leg has been bothering him so I explained about phantom leg pain" He whinned again, now starting to walk to his room.

"Oh! Sam's dad! And that took you more than four hours?" She asked curiously, trying to get more details about what was goin gon between them.

"Yes mum... Good night" He finished before closing the door to his room and droppng on the bed face down, still smiling as he felt his left cheek with his fingers, the touch from Harry's lips still lingering. And he fell aslep, just like that, with his shoes still on and a smile that made the skin by his eyes crinkle. 

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