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Not even an hour had passed when Louis found himself knocking at Harry's front door, his hair still wet and bouncing on his feet while he waited for the man to open.

He looked around the still unkept front yard and sighed. He really wanted to have his own place soon. He loved his family but he was already 24 and it was nearly impossible to get some privacy with so many people runing and screaming around the house. Besides, he wanted some feeling of independency.

A few minutes had passed before the door finally creacked open and he came back to the present. What he didn't expect was to be greeted by a still dripping wet, towel covered Harry.

"You were fast" Harry smiled awkwardly letting Louis in while trying to hide behind the door.

"Umm... Sorry" Louis gulped, looking away from Harry's tonned body with a blush.

"It's okay. Just make yourself confortable. I'll be done in a second" Harry replied and left to the bathroom, doing his best not to slip on hi way there.

Soon after, Harry was back with Sam and a wet-haired Emma, now dressed in confortable shorts, mismatched colorful socks and a thin white t-shirt, his neck long curls still drippig.

"Done. Sorry about the wait and... you know. The kids needed a bath too. How do you feel about pizza for dinner?" Harry apologized, walking to the kitchen and opening cabinets to find the ingredient needed.

"I'm good with anything" Louis smiled and followed. "Umm... Harry?" He asked in confusion.

"Yeah?" Harry spoke, leaving Sam on a mat with toys near him before pouring flour on a bowl.

"What are you doing?"

"Pizza" Harry said, not looking up.

"Oh. Wow! You know how to make one from scratch?" Louis asked in sirprise.

" 'Course. It's quite easy" Harry nodded.

"Maybe for you" Louis mumbled to himself.

"Here. I'll teach you. Just pour the oil and some water in and then mix it" Harry chuckled, passing Louis the bowl and the measured ingredients before walking to the fridge to get some cheese ans other things to put on the pizza.

"What are you doing Lou?" Harry giggled as he turned around and saw Louis trying to mix with a spoon.

"Umm... Just what you said. But I think something is wrong with the recipe. I added more watter and it's still not mixing" Louis groaned, still fighting with the sticky substance with the spoon.

"Lou... The problem wasn't the lack of watter. You need to knead the dough with your hands" Harry chuckled taking the spoon from Louis.

"Oops. Sorry. I think I messed it up" Louis apologised, bitting his lip in embarasment.

"It's fine. Here. We'll fix it. Get me some more flour, please" Harry smiled. He added some flowr too the over hidrated dough and staarted kneading it on the floured counter. "See? Solved. Now we have extra dough. I hope you're hungry" Harry continued after a minute, passing Louis a pice of dough.

"I am. Now what?" Louis smiled back, poking the dough.

"Now we flatten it so we can get everything on it" Harry replied passing Louis a rolling pin.

Half an hour later, after much giggling from Harry and frustration from Louis, he pizzas were done and they all sat at the table to eat. Louis cut small bites for Emma while Harry fed Sam his puree on his lap.

Even if Louis' pizza was a bit lumpy, it thankfully tasted just as good so that was fine. Now, Harry had insisted in making a sweet pizza with the remaining dough and Louis was hesitant to taste it because, let's be honest, melted gummy bears didn't look that apealing to him.

"Just taste it, Lou. Here, take a bite from mine" Harry insisted with pouty lips, holding his slice up.

"Alright. Just one" Louis desisted, not being able to resist Harry's puppy face.

And, honestly, he didn't expect the mix of cheese and gummy bears to be so good. So he ended up taking the rest of Harry's slice as he shook his head and picked up another slice with chocolate and melted smores.

"I told you it was good, didn't I?" Harry teased.

"Shut up" Louis grumbled before taking a big bite from the second slice Harry had started eating.

"Oh, God. Thats like heaven on dough" Louis moaned.

"Hey it's mine! And there are kids here. Keep your sounds for a minute will you?" Harry complained teasingly. "Let's go to bed, monkey. It's late" He continued, taking the sleepy faced girl's hand and walking to the kids bedroom to get them both in bed, leaving a tomato red Louis behind.

"G'night monkey. 'Night bunny. I love you" He kissed both kids on their foreheads, caressed their hair and quietly walked out of the room.

"Are they already asleep? Louis asked quietly.

"Not yet, but it wont take long. They were tired" Harry replied softly. "Should we start the movie? You can take the pizza if you llike it so much" He teased, making Louis look away and nod.

They sat on different ends of the small couch, their legs tangling on the middle after Harry took his prosthesis off. They laid there, watching the movie while taking bites of sweet pizza from the plate between them and sneaking not so subtle glances at the other one.

"You tired?" Louis asked turning to the green eyed guy, now much nearer than before, when the credits started rolling.

"Hm... Didn't sleep that well. My leg has been hurting at nights mostly" Harry shifted.

"Oh. That sucks... Have you tried what we talked about?" Louis asked with a tght lipped smile.

"I did, but I just dont like touching it" Harry shrugged.

"Do you want me to help before I go?" Louis asked tentativeli reaching a hand nearer Harry's stump.

"Okay. Go on" He nodded bitting his lip.

Louis looked him on the eyes before reaching for Harry's hand and holding it on his knee. He lowered the man's hand down to the end of his stump, back up under the guy's shorts and down again, covering all the skin. "How is it?" He asks quietly.

"It's fine. It feels strange over the scar, but not bad" Harry replies.

"Okay, lets try pushing a bit deeper now, hm?" Louis sayd, waitig for Harry to nod before putting more preasure over their overlapped hands.

"Now. You touch yourself. Let's ser how you feel on your own" Louis ssaid, taking his hand away and soon missing the contact.

"I don't think this is really appropiate Lou. I know how it feels when I touch myself" Harry smirked, a grin apearing on his face as he saw Louis wide eyes.

"Harry! I'm serious about this. I'm trying to help" Louis whinned.

"Sorry, you're right. Thank you" Harry appologised sincerely.

"There you go" Louis smiled when Harry started touching his tight, knee and stump.

"I feel silly" Harry complained.

"You can try it when you're alone in the bathtub or with some oil before bed. Whatever makes you more confortable" Louis shrugged.

"It's better when you do it. I don't like touching it. Everything feels so floppy down my knee. Its disgusting" Harry pouted, slumping back on the couch.

"It's not disgusting. It's part of you. You just need to get used to it and aknowlegde it as it is, Haz" Louis shook his head. "Come here. I'll do it for a bit today if you promise you'll do it when I'm not here, once a day at least" He complied.

"Deal" Harry smiled, resting his legs over Louis' lap and relaxing under his small but stronh hands.

"There. I think you are just taking advanage now and I need to pee" Louis spoke after a while, lifting Harry's legs and getting up, shaking his head amusedly at Harry's pout.

When he came back from the bathroom he saw Harry stood at the sink, washing the plates and everything they had used.

"Let me help before I go" He said, grabbing a plate Harry passed him with a smile and rinsing it.

They continued like that until Louis couldnt resist from putting some soap on Harry's nose.

"Oi!" Harry complained, smearing some more bubbles on Louis' nose and forehead too.

He smiled fondly when Louis tried to scrub it off with the back of his forearm, managing to get some in his eye.

"Shit" Louis curses, trying to clean himdelf with his t-shirt.

"Sorry" Harry appologised, carefully cleaning all the soap with a clean wet cloth.

Louis eye stopped stinging but his sight was still blurry with tears when he felt Harry's breath close to his face, like really close. He opened his eyes wide and saw his green eyes shifting between his blue eyes and red lips. His eyes also trailed down to Harry's lips and he didn't have time to panick before those lips were on his.

It was just a short peck, which made his heart start thumping so wildly that he was sure Harry could hear it from the short distance there was beween them.

It was as if his body wanted to go back to th feeling because, without realising, he leaned closer again, Harry getting the hint and touching their lips again. This time, Louis reacted, his thin lips moving inexpertedly aganist Harry's gentle and tentative ones.

When they parted Louis was breathless, his arms laying awkwardly by his sides. Harry's hands, that he hadn't noticed before, released his cheek, leaving a cold spot on his skin.

"Was that okay?" Harry whispered looking at Louis eyes for any sign of uneasiness, his voice soft as if not wanting to disturb the moment.

Louis nodded and smiled, not trusting his voice.

"Good" Harry smiled.

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