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"Who was that?" Niall said while he munched some fruit from the bowl Emma had just abandoned.

"God, Niall! You scared me! When did you get in?" Harry jumped. He had just hung up and placed Sam on the mat to accompany Emma to the bathroom, as she had started to tell him when she needed to go.

"Just now. Just wanted to stop by to see if you were already settled" He shrugged.

"Pee pee!"

Harry heard Emma's voice and rushed to the bathroom behind her. When he arrived, he found her standing near the toilet, staring at her wet pyjama pants with a pout. She looked up at him, her eyes glistening in tears. She had clearly tried to take them off but wasn't fast enough.

"Hey... It's alright, monkey. Please don't cry... It was my fault. I wasn't quick enough, okay? You did great" He said as he rushed to hug her.

"Do you want to have a bubble bath?" He added knowing that she loved them.

"B'bbles?" She asked staring a him with hope.

"Yes, monkey. Would you like that?"

"Yay!" She exclaimed, forgetting about the previous accident and jumping in joy.

"Okay then. You take your clothes off and I'll be back in a minute, okay?" He asked her.

She noded and he went back to the living room, where he found Niall sitting on the mat holding Sam in front of him, both screaming with laughter.

He looked at them fondly for a while unitil Niall stopped laughing and turned to him.

"I see you are both having fun. Would you mind taking care of Niall while I give Emma a bath, Sam?" He said smirking at his friend.

"Eiii! I'm the grown man here" Niall whinned in outrage.

"Sure, sure. Would you mind?" Harry said.

"No problem" Niall smiled turning back to Sam.


"Hey, hey! Stop it, Emma... You are splashing water everywhere! It's time to get out, the water is already cold" He tried to scold her.

He had been trying to get he out for the last 10 minutes but he failed miserably because he couldn't help but laugh as she continued to splash, drenching him in water.


He turned to se Niall poking his head inside of the bathroom.

"Wow! I'm not sure if it just rained in here or if it was a tsunami. Are you two alright?" Niall said, raising his eyebrows. "Anyway. There is someone on the phone wanting to talk to you. I can get her out while you take it, if you want"

"Okay" He nodded catching his friend's slihtly serious tone and stood up grabbing the phone he was handing him and hopped to the door.

"Ouch!" He gasped from the floor after slipping once again.

Niall, seeing he wasn't really hurt, laughed as he helped him up and recieved a glare from him as he hopped safetly out the door.

"Mr. Styles? Is there anyone there? Are you okay?" Harry heard trough the phone.

"Yes, sorry. I just... slipped on the wet flor. Who is it?" He asked, not recognising the voice trough the phone.

"It's Louis, Sam's physiotherapist from the ECAC"

Harry's eyes widened, his previous happines completely gone and replaced by fear.

"Harry, are you alright? Did you hurt yourself?" Louis asked, worried at the lack of a reply.

"Um... I'm fine. Why were you calling? Is there something wrong with Sam?"

"No, there is nothing new yet. I was just calling to tell you that there is an oppening on monday for an appointment with the neuropediatrician as we talked yesterday. I could also fit an appointment with social services so you can do both on the same day. Would you be able to come from 10 to 12 AM on monday?" Louis explained.

"NO, no no no, no! Please, no..." Harry shouted in panic, his breath rate going up.

"Um. Alright, then. Would wendesday at 11 work better for you?" Louis proposed, wondering why he reacted so badly.

"Please don't... I- I'm doing my b-best, I c-can do better... Please don't take them away. I promise-" Harry answered trough his sobs. He couldn't loose the kids. He had promised her he would take care of them as if they were his.

At that Louis realised what had scared him.

"Hey, hey! Harry! Calm down please" He said in a hurry.

"No one is taking them away. You are a great dad. The appointment with social services is only to see if you can benefit from any grant or such. No need to worry about it, I promise." Louis explained calmly.

"Oh... Umm"

"I'm really sorry for the scare. Would you be able to come on monday then?" Louis said scolding himself for not realising that any parent would get scared at the mention of social services. He really needed to think before talking.

"Um... Yes, yes. Monday is fine" Harry answered after a while, when he had calmed a bit.

Harry slumped on the couch as he hung up and was lost in his thoughts until Niall appeared holding Sam, a freshly bathed Emma walking beside him in clean clothes.

He opened his arms to hold them and hugged both kids to his chest, letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

"You okay?" Niall asked.

"Yeah... Sam has an appointment on monday... I just... Am I a good parent Niall?" Harry said in a low voice.

"Of course you are, Harry. Don't you ever doubt it" He replied jumping into the hug.

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