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"Samuel Styles' family?" A male voice called.

Harry and Louis immediately stopped their conversation and turned around to the voice.

"Yes! That's me!" Harry rushed as he scrambled to his feet with the help of Louis' outstretched hand.

They both approached the young man that had called them. Louis a couple steps behind Harry, as he wasn't sure if he was supposed to be there or if he should back off a bit.

"Hello, my name is Joseph. I'm Samuel's nurse for this shift. Are you both family of his?" The man asked.

He was young, he couldn't have been much older than them, had long curly hair put up in a bun, and was wearing colorful scrubs. His white smile contrasting with his slightly dark skin and sending a vibe of calmness around him.

"I- um... I'm Harry. Sam's legal guardian. Is he okay?" Harry spoke, shaking the nurse's hand.

"I'll go wait over there, Harry" Louis muttered as he squeezed Harry's shoulder and started to turn to the chairs. He figured he should give Harry some privacy.

"No! Please stay..." Harry said at once, stopping him from walking away with a strong grip of his wrist.

Louis was startled by the sudden voice and the powerful grip of Harry's long fingers but nodded and sent him a reassuring smile in hope to calm Harry.

"Okay. Sam is stable now, he is currently asleep but we're monitoring him closely. You can go in if you want to and his doctor will be coming in soon to explain our approach further" Joseph explained, leading them through some white, sterile corridors.

They soon entered a more colorful corridor with different animals covering the walls and stopped by a closed door.

"We're here. Be fore you go in I must warn you that he's got some wires attached to his head and chest, but they're just for monitoring, and an IV in his arm, to keep him properly hydrated and avoid poking him more than necessary, so there's no need to get scared. Okay?" The man said before opening the door.

"Um... Okay" Harry gulped. He was getting scared even if the nurse said he was fine.

The door opened but Harry couldn't move. He was just standing there holding his palm over his mouth to muffle the loud sob that escaped him. His eyes were stuck on the bed in front of him. It was small, about the size of a big crib but Sam looked way too small to be on it, barely visible under the thin blanket and the multiple wires attached to his body.

"He needs his dad, Harry" Louis whispered to Harry's ear, pushing him inside gently with a hand on his lower back.

That was all that Harry needed to rush to his baby.

"C-can I?" He asked, holding a trembling hand barely a couple fingers above Sam's face as he stirred a bit.

"Of course. You can hold him if you want to" The nurse smiled. "You can sit here and I'll get him for you so we don't mess up the wires" He added pointing to the recliner.

Harry nodded and sat holding his arms out to Sam as Joseph carefully placed him on his arms.

"Oh, my little bunny. I love you" He muttered to the baby's ear while caressing his cheek with a finger.

"Okay. I'll leave you for now. If you need anything just push this button and someone will be here immediately. The doctor will be here shortly" Joseph said before walking out.

Louis just stood awkwardly in a corner, not wanting to disturb the moment or something. He was about to speak to say he should go when there was a knock on the door and a woman wearing a white coat with a stuffed frog in her pocket entered.

"Hi. I'm Ana. Sam's doctor. You must be Mr Styles and...?" The woman spoke quietly, seeing that the baby was asleep.

"Harry. He's Louis, Sam's physiotherapist" Harry finished quickly. He wanted answers. "What's wrong with Sam? What are all these wires for?"

"Alright" She smiled. "As we were told by the paramedics it appears that Sam had a seizure. It stopped on its own so that's good but we want to see what made it happen to see if it can happen again. The wires on his chest are just to monitor his heart but that doesn't worry us much. The ones on his head are for an ECG to see his brain activity and we'll keep them for 24 hours so we can see if something strange happens. Once we are done we would like to do a brain MRI because, for what I read on his files, he was born very preterm and he is a little behind on his development so it will show us if there are any anomalies in his brain development. But what's important is that right now he is doing great. You'll have to stay for a couple days, though. You can sleep the night here and you won't have to share the room for now. So... Any questions?" She finished.

"I... umm..." Harry opened his mouth and closed it again. He was sure he had questions but right now all he could think about was that Sam was safe in his arms.

"I know I said a lot of things so I'll let you rest for a while and process everything. I'll be back tomorrow morning and the nurses will be here if you need anything. Try to sleep a bit, alright?" She said seeing Harry's expression.

"Um... Yeah. Thanks" Harry nodded.

"No problem" She smiled before walking outside.

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