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"Mate, stop tapping your foot. You're driving me mad. Go take a nice shower while I pick something for you to wear" Zayn complained, pulling Louis up from the bed and pushing him out of his bedroom.

"But don't you think I should reschedule for next week? I think it would be better because-" Louis tried to argue back before his friend slammed the door on his face.

"Shower!" Zayn replied loudly.

Louis sighed and made his way to the bathroom. He turned the hot water on, undressing while he waited for it to warm up and checking himself out on the mirror. He had never disliked his body but he couldn't help but wonder why anyone had approached him before or why he had never been someone people looked at.

He let his hands wonder over his thighs and small tummy before shaking his head and getting into the shower.

Half an hour later he entered his bedroom with a towel wrapped around his waist and his wet hair dripping over his shoulders.

"You know. I don't think Harry would complain much if you showed up like this" Zayn raised his eyebrows at him, locking his phone and standing up from the bed as he pointed to a couple outfits he had chosen for him.

"It's our first date, Zayn..." Louis rolled his eyes and towelled his hair.

"Yeah, yeah... As if you haven't done anything already. Get dressed or you'll be late" Zayn chuckled.

Soon enough, Louis arrived at the park Harry had told him to meet. He looked around looking for the curly man and, when he couldn't find him, he started pacing up and down the path.

Harry couldn't have forgotten about their date, could he? He thought. He had texted him the details just this morning after all.

What if something had happened to him or his kids? Or had he had decided he didn't want to go on a date with him anymore...?

"Lou! I'm so sorry I'm late! I promise I had everything ready for today but Sam was a bit fuzzy and I didn't want to leave until he settled a bit. I'm sorry. I messed up our first date..." Harry's frantic voice apologized between pants.

Louis turned to the sound, a big smile settling on his face as he saw Harry approaching him with long strides, his limp showing more than usual at the fast pace.

"Haz! Calm down, it's fine. You didn't mess up anything" Louis laughed, wrapping his arms around Harry's neck.

"I'm sorry. I should have texted or something..." Harry mumbled, his lips brushing Louis' neck as he spoke, pulling Louis waist closer.

"Don't worry" Louis assured, pulling away to look at the green eyed man before him. "Where are your babies anyway? I thought they'd be coming to?" He questioned, his head tilted to the side in confusion.

"They're at Liam's. I'm not letting those two monsters steal your attention on our first date!" Harry replied, waving his arms around to exaggerate his point.

"Fair enough" Louis nodded. "So, what are we doing?"

"Well... I- I thought maybe we could walk around for a bit? I like the quietness here. Or we can go watch a movie but we have already done that at home and I thought-" Harry rambled, fiddling with his fingers.

"It's perfect" Louis grabbed both his hands to stop him.

"Yeah...? I know it's not much but I wanted it to be just us for once" Harry bit his lips, unsure if Louis would think he didn't care about him because he hadn't planned an expensive date.

"Yeah" Louis nodded and tried to hide his blush.

"Hey, don't look away. I love it when you blush" Harry wishpered, getting closer and settling his big hand on Louis' warming check before bending down to connect their lips in an innocent kiss.

Once they parted, Louis let out a shaky sigh.

"Everything okay?" Harry asked.

"Yeah... I'm just nervous. I- I've never been on a date before. I don't know what to do or say to do it right" Louis mumbled.

"Lou. Relax. We're here because I like you. I don't want you to act different. I just want to spend time with you. That's all" Harry smiled, squeezing the smaller lad's hand and pulling gently so that they started walking.

Louis let out a long breath and decided that Harry was right. He had been himself with Harry until now so there was no need to pretend to be anyone else.

They walked peacefully along the path, not encountering a single soul as they spoke about anything and everything.

"Haz, let's stop over here. I can see your leg is bothering you and there is a nice view of the river here anyway. Besides, I think we're already far enough for you to murder me without anyone hearing if that's what you planned" Louis shrugged, pulling Harry towards a patch of unkept grass.

"Hmm" Harry hummed and sat down. "I don't plan to murder you yet. You know i have to keep you around to help me with Sam" He chuckled.

"Lucky me" Louis smiled, sitting beside Harry and patting his thigh for him to place his legs over his.

Harry hesitated for a second before complying.

"You should have told me you were hurting, Haz" Louis tutted as he gently took Harry's prosthesis off and started massaging his sore stump, a sigh of relief escaping the man's lips.

"I had planned to go a bit further. I was told there are squirrels" Harry shrugged.

Louis shook his head and leaned closer until their lips touched. He let Harry's pull him down so that he was resting over his chest as they kissed.

He gasped when Harry rolled them so that he was now lying on his back, the younger lad sliping his tongue inside his mouth.

Louis kissed back eagerly, their hands exploring the others body, caressing, grabbing and pulling as they changed position rolling over each other to gain some control of the moment.

He pulled back, sitting back on his knees as he panted, Harry reaching out to connect their swollen lips one more.

"Harry... Your phone. Ringing" Louis panted, pushing Harry away and earning a groan from him as he reached for the device.

When he saw who was calling Harry sat up abruptly, bringing it up to his ear.

"Liam. Is everything okay?"

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