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"...It's downstairs I think"

Once he heard these words, Harry rushed downstairs, hopping on his leg and thankfully not breaking his neck on the way.
He put his prosthesis on faster than he ever had and was soon stumbling through his doorway, his head full with thoughts.

How could he be so irresponsible? How could he drunkenly cuddle in bed with someone he barely knew while Sam and Emma didn't even have a parent to cuddle them to sleep? How could he drunkenly cuddle in bed with someone he barely knew, who happened to be Sam's therapists, and who now surely thought he neglected his children? Even if Louis had seemed okay with him going out, he surely wouldn't be with him leaving them for the whole night.

"Morning honey. I thought you would sleep in a little more. You're up early" His mum's soft voice greeted.

It interrupted his thoughts and soon he was cooing at the sight in his living room. His mum was sat on the couch, feeding Sam his bottle, while Emma and Mikey were playing on the floor, happily stacking building blocks.

"You push it" Emma said. And soon after, Mikey was pushing the block tower down.

" 'ush!" He squealed, clapping his hands.

"I just... I needed to be with them. Were they okay? Did they sleep fine?" Harry answered his mum while crouching down to hug Emma.

"I playing!" Emma whinned, trying to get out of the hug.

"Okay, okay. Fine. Keep playing then" Harry huffed going to the couch and motioning his mum to handle Sam to him to feed him himself.

"He's comfortable now, love. Lay down and relax while you can. You look like you need some more sleep." She said looking him in the eyes.

"Ugh... Fine" He grumbled, plopping down on the couch.

Soon after, someone started knocking on the door and he got up to open it. When he did, a troubled looking Liam rushed inside, searching for his son.

As he saw him happily playing with Emma, he calmed down and walked to him.

"Hey, Mikey. Come with daddy?" Liam said holding his arms out to his son.

"Daaee!" Mikey squealed holding to him.

"At least he missed you" Harry huffed looking at Emma, who was still playing undisturbed.

Liam smiled widely looking at his son in amazement.

"He just called me daddy... He- he- It's the first time he does..." He said Hugging him tightly.

"Oh. That's great!" Harry said with a smile.

"Oh! He has been trying to imitate Emma's words all morning. She even tried teaching him some earlier, I think" Anne explained.

"You did? That's great Mikey! I guess you all should play together more often, then. You must be a great teacher Emma. I had been trying for ages..." Liam replied, feeling proud of his son.

"Yeah... You're welcome anytime. It looks like they had fun. Were they much trouble, mum? Did they sleep okay?" Harry said, worry etching his words.

"They were just fine, Harry. Emma and Mikey were excited to have a sleepover. She did miss your goodnight kiss though" Anne explained with a warming smile.

"What's wrong with you, guys? How dare you abandon me outside without even offering me breakfast, Li?" Said Niall's loud voice. He had just entered through the unlocked front door.

"Oh, dear. How dare they, hm? You're lucky we all backed cookies yesterday, then. Emma, Mikey... will you help me?" Anne said before finally handing Sam to Harry and walking of to the kitchen.

"Yesh! Cooies!" Emma nodded before holding her hand to Mikey, who looked up at her, his head tilted to the side, got up, and walked away beside her.

"Oh, I love cookies!" Niall squealed.

A few minutes later, they were back. Mikey and Emma holding a big box full of cookies, closely followed by Anne with a tray of tea and milk cups.

"These are great! You two baked them?" Liam praised after tasting one.

"Yes. They mixed all the ingredients and made the cookie shapes all alone, didn't you?" Anne replied.

Mikey and Emma both nodded enthusiastically. Wide smiles on both their faces. Mikey staring at his dad with his big eyes full of happiness.

"You did amazing, monkey. I love you so so so much" Harry said moving to envelope Emma in a hug and kissing both her and Sam as Liam did the same with his son.

" 'm so proud of you, Mikey" Liam mumbled teary eyed, before planting a kiss on top of his head. He really was. Little things like this are what make him believe his son was really learning and growing up. That he was no longer a helpless baby.

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