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Harry followed Louis along the corridor as he pushed the trolley. Emma walking beside him. He was getting more anxious with every step he took and by the time realised the blue eyed had stopped to open the door for them he had already crashed onto him.

"Ough!" Louis huffed from where he was pinned face down on the flor, Harry on top of him.

"Crap. Sorry, sorry!" Harry said, apologising as he rushed to get off of him. "Why do I allways have to be so clumsy?" He mumbled to himself.

"It's alright" The small man said, brushing his knees after getting back on his feet. " Maybe ask for a date before that" He added to himself, not expecting to be heard, as he extended his hans to help the man up.

"What? Harry said, his mouth hanging open and a blush on his cheeks. Had he heard what he thought he did? No, surely not. Why would he say that? Great, now I'm alluinating and talking to myself.

Louis eyes went wide open as he realised that he had, in fact, heard him. "Shit! Umm... Sorry! Sorry! Just forget it. Please. That was very unprofessional of me. Sorry! Just..." He rambled. 'God! Was I just openly flirting with a man, with a family, which I was supposed to attend as a professional? I need to get a grip on myself' he thought. "I'm Louis, I'll be assessing and treating Sam here if needed" He added collecting himself and extending his right hand for Harry to shake.

"Umm... Right. I'm Harry" The green eyed man said shaking his hand and trying to hide a smirk.

"Okay. You can all come in now" Louis said opening the door wide for Harry and Emma to get inside the room and pushing Sam's trolley after them.
He left the trolley beside Harry pointed to his office chair for him to take while he sat on a wheeled stool facing the family.

"Emma, come here please. Don't touch what isn't yours" Harry said to the little girl who was taking out a box of construction blocks from an open cupboard. She put it back and made her way to Harry, a pout on her face.

"It's fine! She can play with whatever. I coudn't even contain myself when I first entered the room. It's as if you had just entered a rainbow, isn't it Emma" Louis said cheerfully looking at Harry and then to Emma, who nodded and looked up to Harry to see i it was okay to go play.

"Go on then, monkey" The man said smiling encouragingly at her and placing Sam on his lap.

"Perfect. Shoud we start, now that everyone is settled?"

"Sure" Harry answered gulping and starting to get anxious again and cuddling Sam closer to his chest.

"I'ts alright. No need to get nervous. I see you already filled the arrival form but I would rather know from yourself, so. Why did you ask for an appointment?"

"Emm... Well... I- I was worried about Sam. He- I- I think somethimg may be w- wrong with him so... I wanted someone to check him" The curly man stuttered out.

"Okay. That's alright. I will check him but I wanted to know what made you worry. What is it that you think is wrong with him?" Louis said with an encouraging smile paying attention to both, the man an the baby.

"I- I guess I'm worried because he isn't moving well. I mean... he- he can't hold his head propperly, he still isn't seating by himself and he doesn't crawl or anything..." He said. A tear starting to roll down his cheek.

Louis nodded, writting down some notes "Mhm. We'll check all that in a minute. Anyting else that you noticed?" He said passing Harry a box of tissues. He knew those questions could be difficult to answer as they triggered the parents' concerns but he needed to know as much as posible in order to help.

"Umm... Tkanks. Yes, he- he barely ever uses his l- left hand. He only g-grabs things with his right one. A- and sometimes when he is fussy he- he straightens both his left leg and arm, like really really hard..." Harry finished and started sobbing and shaking his head "I- I c- can't, I j-just can't do it. It's all my f-fault"

Louis immediately rolled on his stool and went to hug Harry from his side, letting him rest his head on his shoulder. "Shhh, shh, calm down. It'll be alright" He said to the man's hair in a sothing voice.

Eventually, Harry calmed down a little and Louis got up, a reasuring hand still rested on his shoulder. "Okay, I'll take a look at Sam now, if you are okay with it? We can continue with the questions later"

Harry nodded, after wipping his tears with the tissue. "Sorry" He apologised, holdig Sam up for Louis to take.

"No reason to apologise for. Do you want to sit down on the mat with us?" Louis said while kneeling on the padded floor to place Sam down on it.

"Yeah" Harry said after turning around to check on Emma, who was still playing with some colourful blocks.

"Okay then. Let's get you checked" Louis said tickling Sam's belly once Harry was sat on the floor beside them, his lip quirking up a little at the gesture.

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