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Harry POV

Harry manages to compose himself a little and lifts his head, unwrapping his arms from Emma.

But soon the plane starts to move and Emma starts to cry. "Don't be scared Monkey... It's ok" 

He quickly lifts a hand to wipe her tears away, trying to comfort her. He tried his best but she was scared and woudn't stop. He looked around after hearing a scoff and was met by an angry face from the man sat beside him. 

"Sorry..." Harry apologided in a whisper. The man just shaked his head and turned away, still looking angry. After a few minutes, when the plane he had stoped vibrating and was quietly flying he managed to calm her down, letting out a sigh of relief.

Emma fell asleep and he followed soon, after kissing her on top of her head, Sam somehow still fast asleep in his arms. They had woken up pretty early and he had barely slept at all.


Louis POV

Louis managed to look away and busied himself reading a new scientific paper he had found a couple days ago, occasionally writing some notes.

Soon enough, however, he was surprised by a small hand that had just appeared trying to grab his notepad.

His eyes trailed up, following the little arm until they were met by a piercing green eye, peaking from the crack in between the seats.

He chuckled, looking at the girl.  "Hey, love. What are you doing?"

"I daw" She smiled showing two dimples in her cheeks, stretching her arm still trying to grab the notepad.

"You want to draw?" Louis asked her. 

"Yesh" She nodded with excitement.

He smiled at her and looked up to the curly haired man, he supposed was her dad, wanting to ask him for permission but found him asleep so he tore a blank page and searched his bag for a pencil.

"Here you go, love. Will you show me later?"  He said giving the items to her. She grabbed them and noded cheerfully before turning and starting to scribble.

Louis smiled and returned to his work.

However, he was startled soon after by the plane shaking because of a turbulence that sent his note pad to the floor. 

"Fuck. I hate planes" He mumbled to himself while tightening his seatbelt and squishing his eyes tightly.


Harry POV

Harry's eyes shoot open after feeling the plane shaking. 'It must have been a turbulence' he thought before the crying started again.

The violent movement had startled little Sam and he was now crying as loud as his tiny lungs allowed.

"Shh... It's ok, bunny. I'm here. You're safe" He said softly while looking at the baby. He then started to hum a baby song and bounce him lightly. But Sam was not having it. He just wouldn't stop. 

"Are you hung-" He started saying. But he was cut mid sentence as he saw that Emma had taken off her seatbelt and was crawling on the floor under her seat. 

"Emma! What are you doing?!" He shouted in panic. 

"Sit back down. It's not safe" He scolded while grabbing one of her arms to help her up on the seat and fastening her seatbelt with difficulty as she was still trying to get up. 

"Emma! Stop it!" He said sternly. And now both Emma and Sam were both crying loudly.

However, he didn't have time to shush any of them as a loud harsh voice came from his left. "Will you shut them down?! Honestly, man up and do something! If you can't control your children then you shouldn't take them on holiday! You are bothering everyone on the plane! Keep them home with their moth-". 

Harry was now just looking blankly at the man, trying to fight the tears forming in his eyes and both children crying. 

But the man was cut mid sentence by another voice. "Shut it! Will you?! They are just children and he certainly can't calm them if you keep shouting at him! Your voice is far more annoying anyway! Man up yourself and suck it up like the adult you supposedly are! If so" 

At that the man at Harry's left stopped, frowned and turned his head to angrily  look at the man speaking to him. 

Harry followed his movements and was met with a pair of kind blue eyes that were smiling kindly at him. After what felt like hours of staring the blue eyed man looked away and grabbed something from the floor and showed Emma a pencil. She immediately stopped crying, grabbed it and started scribbling in a sheet of paper she had. 

Harry then assumed that the man had given it to her while he was sleeping and the corners of his mouth quirked up a little.

"What do we say monkey?" He whispered at her.

"Than you" Emma said as she turned around.

After a minute, Harry managed to calm Sam with his pacifier.


Louis POV

Louis couldn't stand it anymore. The man was being a total asshole. So he snapped at him. He definitely felt a lot better now but it was nothing compared to when the curly haired man turned around and he was met by a pair of bright green eyes, much like the ones the little girl had. They were the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen, even if they were certainly fighting tears. He kept looking at them for what felt like hours, until he realised the little girl was still crying. He looked around the floor and saw the pencil laying there, so he grabbed it and showed it to the girl, who took it and immediately quieted down.

The man turned around and whispered something to her ear and then she turned around to face him and said "Than' you".

And Louis smiled for the rest of the flight, unable to concentrate on his work anymore.

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