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Louis took a deep breath as he walked inside his work place. He could do it. Today he only had four appointments. The only problem was... Well... One of them was with Mikey. Liam's son. And well... Louis just hopped that whatever happened on Saturday didn't make Liam think that he wasn't capable of doing his job well.

The two first appointments went great. It was the first time he saw them so he decided to use the session to get to know the children and their parents, so that they could establish the proper treatment goals. He didn't have much time to think about Mikey but, as soon as little Laia waved him goodbye, he started to panick.

He took a deep breath and poked his head out the door, and searched for Liam's now familiar face.

"Michael Payne? You can come in when you are ready" Louis said trying really hard to smile at the child.

In his head, all that Louis could think was that it was him who wasn't ready. He knew it was going to be awkward but he really loved this job.

"Hey... Come on Mikey, let's go" Liam said hesitantly as he stood up and took his son's hand to walk inside.

Once they were al inside, an awkward silence fell as both adults watched Mikey, trying very hard not to look at each other.

"Mhm... Okay... So first of all I wanted to talk about Saturday. I know-" Louis started. Trying to apologise for Saturday night, wanting to assure Liam that he was, in fact, a very responsible person.

"I know. I know. I shouldn't have been out leaving Mikey. It was an irresponsible thing to do. I never... I just thought... Nevermind. I promise I'm a responsible dad, okay? And- and- your friend, Zayn... I don't... I really don't sleep around I promise. I-" Liam rambled not letting Louis finish. Trying desperately to assure Louis that he was a good dad.

"Hey, hey! Stop. I'm not judging you for going out once in a while. I'm sure you are an awesome dad from how little I know you and what Zayn told me. I was just trying to apologise for Saturday. I really don't go out often and I am responsible but I would understand if you no longer wanted me as Sam's therapist. Just say so and-" Louis replied, still feeling anxious.

"No! Why? Mikey liked you much better than the last physiotherapist here. Besides, you can do whatever you want with your free time. Wait... Zayn talked to you about me?!"

"Umm... Oh, great then! Yeah, he did. All he could talk about yesterday, actually. Should we get started?" Louis asked, a smirk appearing on his face.

After they cleared the air, the rest of the session went by fast. Louis concentrated on Mikey and he was happily surprised to hear that he had started to walk alone, even if he still fell a lot. So today they mostly worked on his balance and coordination.

Liam left with Mikey walking beside him, holding his little chubby hand. And Louis greated his next patient.

Nearly an hour later, he sanitised the room, just like he did after every kid and walked outside to get to his car. He was done for today.

Louis let out a sigh of relief. It seemed like Liam didn't really care about what he did when he wasn't working and didn't think any less about him. Now. Harry. Harry was another thing. How the fuck did they end sleeping in the same bed? They weren't even that drunk but it had seemed the best choice at the time, after spending the night dancing around, quite close to each other might he add. Well. It was done already. He might as well face the consequences once he had Sam's next appointment. Which wasn't yet scheduled but would surely be soner rather than later.

Louis was still thinking about possible outcomes when a loud sob startled him. He directed his eyes down to the source of the sound and his heart leaped outside his chest when they focused on the big lump, that laid curled on the wall.

"Shit! Harry. What's wrong? Are you hurt? What happened?" He said, quickly dropping to his knees in front of him as he recognised the messy curly hair before him, seeing that he was tightly clutching the baby to his chest.

Harry looked up, startled by the sudden voice. When he did, showing his red puffy eyes and holding Sam impossibly closer to him, Louis couldn't help but worry even more.

"Harry please talk to me. Is there something wrong with Sam? Is he okay? Do you need help?" He asked frantically, reaching a hand to Harry's shoulder.

"Umm... He- he's- o-okay. Not r-really thought. I- I c- can't do it alone. I just can't. Why? Why h-her? Should have been m- me" Harry sobbed.

"Shh... Shh... It's okay. Everything will be okay. Come on. Don't talk. You need to calm down a little. Let's go somewhere calmer.
I'll take you home. Please don't cry, Harry" Louis shushed, helping Harry up to his feet once he realised that any of them were physically hurt.

Harry just left Louis lead him to his car but he stopped abruptly at the door.

"Emma" Harry said monotonely.

"Did you bring her with you?" Louis asked.

"She's at the park. With Liam. Need to get her" Harry replied turning to walk there.

"Okay. Just a second Harry. I'm calling him" Louis said, already bringing the phone to his ear.

Less than a minute later, Louis was passing the phone to Harry.

"Hey Harry. Look, Emma and Mikey are having a nice time at the park and I was wondering if she could stay for a while longer? I'll take her back home later. Would that be okay with you?" Liam spoke calmly through the device.

"Um... Yeah. I guess so. Just be careful please. See you soon, then" Harry spoke, handing the phone back to Louis, now a little more settled.

"Okay. Let's go. I'll make you the best cup of tea you have ever tasted" Louis said after thanking Liam, turning his attention to Harry again and leading him inside the car.

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