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A few days later, Harry had recieved a message from the ECAC setting up two weekly physiotherapy apointments for Sam. He smiled as he finished reading it.

From ECAC:
Dear family,
We inform you that your apointments will be on TUESDAY AND THURSDAY AT 10:00H AM WITH THE PHYSIOTHERAPIST, LOUIS TOMLINSON.
We ask you to please let us know if you are unable to attend.
Best regards,
Louis ;)

He hadn't talked with Louis since he left the hospital except from a message the man had sent him the day they had left the hospital, assuring him that he could call if he needed anything at all and he would be there.

Harry, however, assumed that wanting to watch more than 20 hours of Harry Potter movies with the blue eyed man wasn't exactly what you could count as a "need". Besides, Harry had been having some trouble sleeping and processing everything that had recently been dumped in his head. Taking into account the phantom limb pain, that had recenthly worsened, and all his thoughts about Sam and their future, he could barely manage to keep his little family functioning.

Thankfully, Liam had helpelped him a lot with entretaining Emma and they both had finally decided that they wanted Mikey and Emma to start going to Little Bee's daycare.

On monday they had visited the place and, after talking with Liam's sister, Emma and Mikey were set to go there the next day for just a few hours to see how they adapted to the new place.

Now. It was tuesday already and Harry hadn't slept a blink. Like. At all. He was a mess and he knew it. He just jad to many thigs to worry about.

As he looked around at the entrance of the daycare, holding Emma's hand and pushing Sam in the trolley, he was sightly relieved to see that he wasn't the only one. There were a few other parents who he guessed were nervous to leave their kids too. After all, it was the first week of school after summer hollidays so he assumed it must have been their first week too. The one who was struggling most however, was definitely Liam. The man was just barely managing to hold his tears in as he waited for his turn on the line to leave Mikey there.

When it was their turn both him and Liam were expecting tears or some kind of tantrum from the kids. They had explained that they would stay at daycare for a few hours and play with other kids and both seemed a bit wary, so... They definitely didn't expect what happened next.

"Mi'y! Look! Minosaurs!" Emma squealed, letting go of Harry's hand, grabbing Mikey's and leading him to a dinosaur themed corner of the room where many kinds of dinosaur toys were scattered.

" 'sosaus!" Mikey shouted, waddlind after Emma.

"Okay then... Is it bad that I wanted some drama? I mean... Some crying for daddy to stay or somehing?" Liam spoke turning to look at Harry with a blank face.

"Umm... I hope not beause now I feel exactly the same. They could have pretended to be sad at least. But I don't think I could have left if she so much as pouted so maybe that's for the best" Harry replied, scratching the back of his neck.

"Yeah... Same" Liam said before going to say goodby to his son.

"Hey monkey... I have to go now, okay? You'll explain me everything you do when I come back, hm?" Harry said gently, after managing to kneel next to Emma.

"Mhm, b'bye" She spoke uninterestedly.

"Can't I get a goodbye kiss?" Harry pouted.

Emma now turned her attention back to Harry and jumped on him, causing him to loose his balace and fall on his butt. She placed a sloppy kiss nearly on his eye and ran back to Mickey to start playing.

"Okay then... I guess I'm going now. Bye bye monkey. I love you" He spoke while dusting his pants after getting up from the floor. He sighed and walked out with Liam. Now off to Sam's physioterapy appointment.

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