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After second year ended I've been spending a lot more time away from the Weasleys. It wasn't intentional, I'd just focused on hanging out with my other friends more. Currently, Alicia and I were talking on my bed.

"You know, you should tell me who you have a crush on."


"Come on, Alicia! Please"- I shake her as she glares at me.

"Nu uh."

"Ugh. What'll it take you to tell me?"

"10 galleons."


"Then it's your fault you don't know." She smiles at me.

"Yeah, yeah whatever. I just need to think of the people you know and cross them all out one by one."

"Good luck."

"Hm. Well, Lee's clearly out of the picture. You should apologize to him by the way."

"No way, he's making a big deal out of nothing."

"He seriously liked you, you should've let him down gently."

"As if he actually liked me. I'm rude and bossy and I've literally made him cry."

"Because he cares about your opinion."

"Because I'm too mean for him. He was just convinced he liked me he'll get over it."




"Fine I'll apologize."

"Good. Now moving on. Do you like George?"

"I'd actually have killed myself if I liked George."

"No no that makes sense for you. Uh- Fred?"

"Same answer."

"Okay, Oliver?



"That asshole? He can go play the victim somewhere else."

"Okay I give up."

"As expected."


"Anyways, I've gotta go. My parents wanted me back by 9."

"Okay, cool. See you."


We both turn to see Remus peek his head in through the door.

"(Y/N), I made brownies for you and your friend!"

"Oh I'm really sorry Mr. Lupin but I've gotta get going by now."

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