Changes with Fred

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It was, strangely, a quiet afternoon at the Weasley residence. Fred and Ron were downstairs and George, Ginny and I were lounging on the bed.

From downstairs we hear Fred's loud laughter that shatters the silence which makes me smile.

"Merlin I swear that boy does not shut up nowadays." George groaned and Ginny nodded in agreement.

"He does seem different lately. Got any idea as to what happened, George?" I ask.

"Oh, I guess you're just starting to see it now. Truth is, these past few years at Hogwarts have changed Fred a lot. He's a lot louder now and he seems more comfortable with himself. He still has social anxiety but it's a lot better than before, we can thank Mum's therapist for that. And with all of this somehow I've become more reserved. ME. THE George Weasley."

"I do enjoy that you talk less." I smile at him as he guffaws at me.

"My HEART. How could you do this to me, fair lady?" He said as he placed his hand on his chest.

"Snap out of it." Ginny says as she smacks George, making him groan again.

As I heard Fred laugh again I decided to see what was happening.

"I'm gonna head downstairs, see ya."

"Bye, (Y/N)!"


I close the door behind me and head down to see Fred and Ron wrestling.

Fred was just standing there as Ron attempted to push him over.

As Fred saw me he smiled and pushed Ron onto the ground.

"Fred! Don't embarrass me in front of (Y/N)!" Ron pouted as his ears turned red.

Fred ignored the glare Ron was giving him and spoke to me instead.

"Hello, madam, how may I be of service to you today?"

"I'm bored so, entertain me." I smiled at him making him place his hand on his heart in mock pain.

"Is that all I am to you? A tool of entertainment? I'm deeply hurt."

"I don't have all day, Freddy." I flicked his forehead making him blush and roll his eyes.

"C'mon let's go see what Percy is doing." He said, grabbing my hand and pulling me up the stairs.

"Bye, Ron!" I call behind me, to which I receive an annoyed grumble.

As we reached Percy's door, Fred grinned at me and opened the door, after which we heard Percy's screeching as he fell off his bed.

"FRED! WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU FOR HEAVENS SAKE I COULD'VE BEEN CHANGING!" He yelled, bright red as he adjusted his glasses from the fall.

"Ooh, scandalous Percy." Fred gasped and covered his mouth as Percy glared at him and slowly got up.

"What do you want?"

"(Y/N) here is bored. So I thought, 'Let's hang out with the most exciting and adventurous Weasley I know!'"

"And where is he?"

"It's you, Percy! My favorite older brother. So daring and heroic!" Fred pretended to faint as Percy began to turn red again and rolled his eyes.

"That's quite enough, I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you both to leave."

"No. Not until (Y/N) isn't bored. Right?" He turned to me with a smirk as I nodded.

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