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After returning to Remus I never left his side, we'd talk all day and night. He was constantly asking questions about school and friends I made.

"Okay, so is it normal to basically be in love with someone in your first year?" I asked as we both sat in the living. He looked at me with a mortified expression.


"IT'S NOT ME!" I jumped out of my skin and he seemed to settle down. The suspicion didn't leave his eyes though.

"Alright, who is it?"

"It's Lee. He's head over heels for Alicia. He's CONSTANTLY flirting with her." I said with a sigh.

Remus furrowed his brows. "Well does she seem to like him back?"

I stifled a laugh at this. "She definitely hates his antics but I can tell she doesn't despise him as much as she lets on."

Remus sighed and leaned his head back on the couch. "I've never been good at this advice stuff. Perhaps if I think of what Sirius would say."

He then flushed red.

"No, nevermind. Never, ever go by what Sirius would say."

I giggled at his face. "You look just like Alicia when Lee eggs her on."

He chuckled but his eyes grew somber. "No, this is... different."

I furrowed my brows. "How so?"

He shook his head. "It's nothing, want me to make some lunch?"

I nodded, deciding not to press on what he meant. Remus always has a reason for things, even if I don't understand them. I trust his judgment.



I didn't feel much as I set the oil into the pan. I didn't feel much of anything lately. As selfish as it sounds, (Y/N) being gone all year reminded me how alone I was. How much I depended on her. She's all I have left, and she's slipping away from me.

Sirius, I miss you.

God that's stupid, huh? You were always my favorite, though I didn't show it well sometimes. I wonder how miserable you must feel right now in Azkaban. And I wonder if you deserve it.

I wish I could just talk to you. You're so far away, I know you'd tell me the truth. I'm so confused, I was never fit to be a parent. I was never fit to be much of anything. But I've got to shape myself up for her. For you.

I know you never really had a way with words, but there's nothing I wouldn't give for you to be here right now. Helping me. Of course, I'd still have to cook. You were never much help in the chores department, only for the Potters.

I wish you could've met my Potter.

Sighing, I set the assorted food onto the pan. I pull back as hot oil hits a recent scar.

Oh, right.


I have a lot more of those. I recall you saying that it'd "Get me all the hot chicks"- though we both know I never had much interest for that sort of stuff. You'd certainly know from my complaints about our long night talks when you rambled on and on about Marlene. You would've thought it was love from how you spoke. She was the one girl you couldn't ever fully get. Sure, you had her, but not in the way you had the others. She never let you in, like you never let anyone in.

Anyone but me.

Do you remember that night? When you told me you were getting kicked out? I'd never seen you cry before. It hurts, seeing the person you rely on most, crying. It reminds you, even the best people fuck up. And it haunts you, how badly am I gonna do in life if you couldn't even take it. You were the strongest person I know, you still are. I try my best to be like you, you know. Who would've thought? The shy nerd wanting to be like the confident bad boy. Even after all these years.

She would've loved you, you know. I talk about you. Don't tease me, you know what I mean. You always did, and you teased anyway. Guess that's just what I've come to expect. She does too. You were her favorite. Even above me. She liked your confidence and your charm. Just like everyone else. I can't judge, I was among the crowd. But something about you always endeared me. Something James and Peter didn't have.

I wonder what it was.

I think that's what I miss most about you. That mysterious drawl of yours. I wonder if it's still there. What has Azkaban done to you? What have I done to you? What should I have done? I don't know what to do anymore, I'm not sure who to be for her.

God, look at me. Burning potatoes over stupid thoughts. I can't do anything right, not like you.


I almost didn't hear it. I wish I didn't. Because when I turned around,


you weren't there.

"Why are you crying?"

Am I? Ha, I guess I am.

"I just burned myself Coco, see?"

Am I hurting her? Like seeing you cry hurt me?

"Do you need a bandage?"

No, maybe? I'm not sure what I need.

"No, I'm fine."

Or maybe I do know, Sirius.

"Okay, I love you."


"I love you too."

I need you.

A/N: Hey! So this was a little bit of a filler chapter but also a setup for some stuff I'd like to add later on. I love reading comments, tell me what you thought! Did I manage to make it sound sad at all? I'm not sure how good I am with writing that stuff. Thanks for reading, anyway.

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