Diagon Ally

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It's finally time to go to Diagon Alley! I quickly hop out of bed and get on a quick outfit.

(a/n: okay there were options here but I made this story like two years ago and I don't like the options I chose so just imagine an outfit)

I gather a backpack and put the Hogwarts letter and a potions book in it to get the right ingredients for Wolfsbane. I head downstairs and greet Remus.

"Morning (Y/N)." He says, nodding at me with his hot cocoa in hand.

"So Remmy, when do we go to Diagon Ally?"

"In a bit, dear, I'm planning for us to go with some old friends of mine- the Weasleys. They've got two boys your age also going to Hogwarts, they remind me a lot of Sirius and your father. I'm sure you'll like them." He said with a tired smile.

I smile sadly and look down with a sigh. Remus has told me as much as he could to try and make them seem like they're really here. But, it's just not the same, but I know he tries and for that I couldn't thank him enough.

"Cheer up Coco, it'll all come together in time. Today is going to be a great day." He says, sensing my sadness.

"Okay Remmy."


"GEORGE GET OFF OF ROOF!" Percy screeched at his brother.

George stood on the roof with Fred yelling encouraging words to him.


Charlie stood behind the group leaning against a tree with a lazy smile. "No way he's gonna do it." He said to Bill who stood beside him.

"SHUT UP CHARLIE! I CAN DO IT!" George said from the roof. He looked down at the floor and nearly fainted from the height, he'd never liked them.

He took a few steps back and a launched himself off the roof. He clamped his eyes shut expecting a great burst of pain but never felt it. He opened one eye, and saw he was levitating in the air.

He looked around and saw Mrs. Weasley glare at him with her wand pointed at him. His eyes widened and he desperately tried to swim away in the air. Fred and Charlie burst out laughing as Bill shook his head smiling and Percy scolded George relentlessly from the ground.

Finally, Mrs. Weasley put George down and scolded the boys.

After that was all over, Mrs. Weasley calmed down and told the boys to get ready for Diagon Alley.

"Bring your letters! We're meeting up with an old school friend of mine and his goddaughter. We need to leave in half an hour! Be quick!" She said, ushering the boys away and reminding Bill to watch Ron and Ginny.



I stood next to Remus beside a brick wall as we both waited for the Weasleys.

"Do you see them, Remus?" I asked him tentively, excited to meet the other family.

"Well- umm- oh wait! Molly!" He called, waving his hand in the air. Suddenly through the crowd I'm able to see glimpses of five red-heads making their way to me. Remus, and the mother I assume, briefly hugged. She then turned towards me and gushed.

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