Train Ride

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After Diagon Alley things have been far more quiet. (Y/N)'s been reading a lot more and studying for her first year. She's also been writing to the Weasleys often, particularly the twins. And she's been doing a "project" in her room, she won't tell me what it is though but I can always smell heavy ingredients indicating that it's a potion.

She reminds me of myself, wasting the days away reading and studying. If I hadn't met the marauders I'd sure I'd have been exactly like Percy, completely diverged in books and studies.

I just hope when the time comes to go to Hogwarts she'll get the friends she deserves, she's only ever played with the neighborhood kids and Fred and George. When she's gone I'll worry myself to death over that girl, but I know she'll be safer at Hogwarts with normal witches and wizards than with me.


Over the past few days I've been able to try to start brewing Wolfsbane. I used the many skills Remus taught me in all my future classes- specifically potions. In fact, I'm on the final steps for Wolfsbane, all that's left is to bathe it in moonlight. The full moon is tomorrow so I'll be able to catch the light from my window.

I let out a sigh, if you've brewed this incorrectly it could have disastrous effects. Luckily, there's a way to test it, but I'm running out of time. Hogwarts is tomorrow and I'd have to bag the potions without Remus knowing so that I could send it to him.


After about an hour I'm completely sure and confident about the Wolfsbane. I lazily get up and stretch, then I hear Remus.

"Dinner is ready! Come down Coco, some very important guests are joining us today!" I sigh and head down the stairs. When I'm down I see the Weasleys all next to the table. I stare at them wide-eyed until I show a bright smile.

"Hey guys!" I say as I hug Molly.

"Hello dear! You look marvelous!" Molly awes at me. I look down at my outfit and see that it's extremely simple and definitely nothing "marvelous".


"Hey (Y/N), what's up." George nods at me. I smile and greet him.

"Hey Fred." I say. Fred looks at me and smiles slightly. "Hey (Y/N)."

"Hey Percy, Charlie." I acknowledge both of them. Charlie throws finger guns at me with a smirk and Percy doesn't respond.

We all sit down at the table as Remus levitates trays of food over.


After dinner, I hear Remus say something.

"Molly what's the time?" Remus asks behind me.

"It's- oh dear! We'd better get you lot on the train before we miss it! Do you have floo powder by any chance?" She asks Remus.

"Of course." Remus says, gesturing to the fireplace.


By the time we finally arrive at platform 9 3/4 Molly is already giving directions. "Ok, line up! Charlie, you first." She orders.

He lines up to the wall, takes a few steps back, and charges full speed at it, jumping onto the ends of his cart as soon as the wall makes contact with him all the while screaming "WOO!" Molly simply sighs and tells Percy to go next.

He, very swiftly and orderly, walks through the wall. George and Fred were next, linking arms and racing through the wall. Finally it was me and Remus.

"Are you ready for the best years of your life Coco?" He inquires with proud eyes.

I take a breath. "I'm ready." I look back at him with a pained smile. I was a nervous wreck. He senses this and holds my hand comfortingly. We take a few steps back and charge at the wall together.

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