One More Week

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It was three pm when I woke up, due to George basically dragging me out of bed.

"You know how (Y/N) gets when you're up so late." He'd complain, knowing full well that (Y/N) wakes up late too.

I rolled my eyes and pushed him off of me. "I can walk myself, George."

"I know, Fredrick." He mocked. "How about instead of all this sass I get a thank you for waking you up before you missed Lee."

My eyes widened at this I cocked a brow. "What?"

He shook his head "Maybe if you didn't go to bed so early you'd know- Lee is planning on sneaking into the girl's dorm."

I jumped up and started sprinting to the stairwell. "Finally!" I hear behind me.

I see Lee downstairs looking at his wand with all the focus he could.

"Appendium!" He said, watching as a pathway was made over the stairs. He took a deep breath and carefully stepped on it. When it didn't collapse he grinned widely and jumped up the stairs he made as George and I laugh.

"I can't believe you did it!" George said. "Imagine all the ways we could steal (Y/N)'s stuff!"

"And then give them back after we get threatened and hexed." I add. George nods with a crooked brow.

"Yes, yes. Of course."

"Come on!" Lee says as he dissolves the floor. "We can prank everyone later, we told the girls we'd meet them now, as in outside the common room."

"Ugh fine." George said as we all head out to the common room.


As I'm talking with (Y/N) on the outside when we see Fred, George, and Lee stumble from the Fat Lady.

"Ugh finally, where have you guys been." I say.

Fred looks at me sheepishly and George and Lee point to him. "I slept in."

"Lucky." (Y/N) mumbles. I hit her and she raises a brow at me. "Sorry, mom."

"Listen here, Potter"-

"Alright, alright you're both pretty. Now, what do we want to do today." Lee says as he cracks his knuckles.

(Y/N) hesitates before answering.

"Well I have a phone I thought we could test out."

Lee gasped. "A PHONE?"

Fred and George just squinted at her. She rolled her eyes and took it out.

"Remus had it sent to me last week, he got one too. He said he preferred using it compared to having to write letters all the time." She laughed.

"Don't you need a cell tower or something?" I asked.

"Magic, stupid." She replies making me swat her arm. "And let's go outside first, the weather's nice."


Once we were on the grounds, Fred hesitantly walked up to her and poked the phone. "What does it... do?"

"Lots of things Fred." She said and then turned it on.

"WOAH IT GLOWS." George exclaimed.

"Yup, and watch this"- she began, pulling up an app that made a loud noise making me yelp. I jumped again when I felt an arm around my shoulders.

"You okay, Allie?" Lee asked with a smirk.

"Do you feel the need to get body-binded right now, Lee?"

"Message received." He said with his hands up.

"Could you idiots shut up and look at the glowing box!" George exclaimed.

Lee and I giggled at this and returned our attention to (Y/N) who putting all of her focus into an application called "Flappy Bird".

She and Fred were hooked on it, not even noticing the argument Lee and I had.

"Higher!" Fred exclaimed.

"No, I need to stay on this path because there's a pole up ahead!"

"Oh I'm sorry, I just thought you'd rather have a coin."

"THERE WAS A COIN?!" She yelled with a groan that made Fred smirk.

"Huh- I guess I'd make the better half-blood huh?"

"Shut up Weasle-whore." She muttered making George laugh hysterically.



After a few hours we went back into the common room and just rested by the fire. Alicia has left a little earlier to hang out with Katie and Angie so now it was just George, Lee, (Y/N), and me.

"How come you got the couch?" George asked with a glare.

"Because I'm the smarter, wiser, more talented, and more handsome brother of the Weasley twins."

Lee and (Y/N) both threw pillows at me, which I effortlessly dodged.

"Nice try, peasants." I said as I plopped back on the couch. "I am king of the common room."

(Y/N) scooted closer to George and Lee and whispered something to them.

Were they...
conspiring against me?

I grab my wand as I hear (Y/N) exclaim "Go!"

All three of them began trying to freeze me or levitate the couch.

So naturally I jumped up and began shooting back spells.



That's when the duel commenced. It was just me and George shooting spells, pillows, and couch cushions at each other.

"Jelly legs jinx!"


"Wha- THAT'S THE COUNTER FOR IT?!" I yelled in anger.

"Yeah, don't you ever read (Y/N)'s notes!"

"(Y/N) never put that in her notes!"

"Hey (Y/N)- where'd she go?"

"Goodnight, losers, this was very entertaining." She said with a smile as she ran up the stairs.

George and I looked at each other dumbfounded as Lee slowly inched his way towards the stairs.

"They're cowards." George said with a sigh.

"They are." I agreed with a yawn.

"Truce?" I offered.

George hesitated before answering "Only for tonight."

We shook hands and went upstairs.



Angie and I laughed at something Katie said on our way back to the common room.

"Yeah, I'd love to join the quidditch team." I said with a sigh.

"Maybe we could try out together next year." Angie said, bumping her shoulder with mine.

I smiled shyly and agreed. "That'd be fun."

"Oh, what was the password again?" Katie said with a humph.

Angie chuckled at this.

"Carthimum." She said as we entered the room together.

When I saw the room I inhaled sharply.


A/N: I republished this and changed the app because I thought it fit the time period better :)

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