A Grand Enterance Part One

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Fred POV

I look around the platform anxiously waiting for (Y/N). George smiles at me reassuringly as I bounce on the balls of my feet. She's been telling me all about her nerves and meeting Harry so I've been on the lookout for both Potters- not that I really know what Harry looks like.

"Alright Percy, you first." I glance over to see Percy cross through and George puts a hand on my shoulder and gives me a look. I grumble and stay still when I hear Mum call for George and I.

"Fred, you next."

George smiles. "He's not Fred, I am."

He eyes me and I play along.

"Honestly, woman. You call yourself our mother."

"Oh I'm sorry George."

I step up making sure to stay a safe distance away still.

"I'm only joking, I am Fred!" I grin before rushing through the wall.

As George and I look around for (Y/N) we spot Alicia instead.


She quirks a brow to see George waving frantically before sighing and walking over.


"Have you seen (Y/N) yet?"

"Um- no actually. I did just find Lee, though. Maybe you can ask him."

"Are you guys good again?" I ask. She smiles at me and nods.

"ALICIA WHERE ARE YOU?" We look over to see Lee and we all call for him.

"HEY GUYS I MISSED YOU!" He grins widely and hugs George and I.



Alicia taps Lee's shoulder causing him to groan and release us.

"You're no fun, Ali."

She sticks her tongue out at him and I speak up.

"Have you seen (Y/N) or Remus anywhere, Lee?"

He frowns slightly at this and scratches his head. "No I haven't is something wrong?"

I sigh. "Not really it's just"-

"FRED!" I turn to see (Y/N) running towards us with a large grin on her face. My eyes widen and I feel my cheeks heat up dramatically. Something about the excitement in her eyes and the curl of her lips just made my breath hitch. I'm so dazed I don't even notice her getting a lot closer until she throws herself onto me in a hug. I feel my heart beat even faster as I instinctively latch onto her.

After a moment I smile and push my face into her neck. Then I whisper to her.

"Are you okay?"

She pulls back and her smile shifts to being more gentle.
"With my favorite Weasley? Of course."

"Your WHAT?" She rolls her eyes at George's exclamation and turns to hug him.

"You heard nothing, Georgie."

He pouts and grumbles.

"Hey (Y/N)." Lee grins at her and winks causing her to chuckle as she also goes to hug him.

"Thank Merlin you're here, Fred was so worried about you." Alicia says with a smirk making me glare at her.

"Interesting." (Y/N) looks at me and smirks causing me to throw my head in my hands. I hear laughter as I assume her and Alicia embrace before George throws an arm around my shoulders.

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