A Temporary Love Potion

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(above is something I drew. It's what I imagine Alicia to look like in this story. let me know if you want me to draw the other characters too!)





Fred and I turned to each other, exasperated.

"What the bloody hell could he be thinking about?"

We look back at George who'd been staring off with a dreamy smile for the last ten minutes with his food untouched.

"Don't know, Lee."

"Hey guys." (Y/N) says as she sits down across from Fred and next to me.

"Hey (Y/N)."


"(Y/N)! Just the person I was waiting for!" We all jump as George speaks.

"Is he okay, Lee?" (Y/N) mumbles to me. I shake my head and pat her shoulder "You're on your own, kid."


"Don't ask me, he's been spaced out all morning." He says to her.

She glowers at us and reluctantly lets George lead her outside the Great Hall.

I turn to Fred. "What do you think that was all about?"

"Knowing George he's just trying to freak us out. Nothing important, I'm sure."



"Please (Y/N), please! I swear I'll make it up to you!"

"Not for all the galleons in the world."

"I should assume not, most of them are in your vault."



"Touché. But i'm still not doing it."

"Please (Y/N)! I'll do your charms homework for a week!"

"You'll just lower my grade."

"That hurt. That really hurt."


We turn to see Madam Pomfrey and Mcgonagall in a room next to us.


"Yeah yeah, fine."

They both give us stern looks and close the door once more.

"You know you still haven't told me why you want me to write a fake love letter for you." I say in a hushed whisper with a grimace

"It's not for ME. It's for Snape. And it NEEDS to be convincing." He says while rolling his eyes.

"And why can't you write this?"

"I'm a very busy man, (Y/N)"-


"He memorized my handwriting." He grumbles quietly, making me giggle.

"Maybe you shouldn't have been caught after you rewrote all the potions' labels to 'Remains of Snape's ex-lover.'" I say with a smile. I ignore his glare.

"Is this what you were day-dreaming about at the table, George?" He turns red.

"Irrelevant." He dismisses it with a wave of his hand. "Now, would you please help?"

"Only if I get to know what you were thinking about." I say with a smirk, making him groan.

"You are the bane of my existence."

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