Alicia Makes Amends

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"Dad! I'm home!"

I brush away the ash from my clothes as I step out of the fireplace. I had just gotten back from buying the supplies for next year at Hogwarts.

"I'll never get used to you appearing from the fireplace." He sighs and smiles.
"Oh, and you got here just in time. Someone's at the door for you. It's a girl." He smirks and walks away leaving me to wonder who it could be.

And of course I open the door to find the one person who could ruin my mood.

"Um, hello Lee."


"Could I come in? Uh, please?" She purses her lips and folds her hands anxiously. It's weird to see her so nervous.

I turn to my right to see my Dad frantically gesturing for me to let her in. I roll my eyes and open the door wider.


She nods and enters, making my dad immediately run up to her.

"Hello dear! Are you one of Lee's friends? Would you like anything? I know it's not much but we have brownies and chocolates, oh you kids really are so"-


He turns and chuckles at my expression.

"Nice to meet you, Sir." Alicia wobbly smiles and offers her hand. Dad's expression gets more relaxed as he shakes it.

"Don't call me Sir it makes me feel boring. Your highness will do just fine."


"Kidding." He grins at her before turning to me.
"I'll leave you two alone. But no shenanigans alright?"

"Trust me there won't be any shenanigans with Alicia."

As Dad leaves I turn back to the ISSUE in my living room.

"Well? What do you want?"

"Could we sit down?"

"Why not?" I flop on the couch as she tentatively sits beside me. The air is tense and awkward as she's completely stiff.

"Relax, would you? Not like I'm gonna murder you or something."

She chuckles nervously. "Kinda feels like you might."

This, unfortunately, makes me smile. "Well I wouldn't kill anyone in my living room."

"Oh? You already have a plan?"

"The plan is to not get stains on my dad's new pillows or else I'm next."

We both laugh and I can see her lean into the couch more.

"Look, Lee there's something I have to tell you."

"If it's an apology I don't want to hear it."

"No, it's not it's something really important."

"Then say it already." She flinches at my tone and I sigh.
"Listen, Ali, whatever it is just spit it out."

"You sure?"

"Yup, I'm prepared for anything." I grin at her, hoping to calm her nerves. She nods and scrunches her eyes closed. Even now I can't help but think she looks beautiful, even though I don't want to.

"Okay well, you're really funny and sweet and stuff right? And I really like hanging out with you. So I think you deserve to know this because I'm ready to tell you." When she says this I feel my breath hitch in my throat. As she turns to me I can see her eyes watering and I straighten myself up.

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