Chapter 30 - Game Over

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"Hai sentito?" (Did you hear?)

"Che cosa?" (What?)

"Beneventi ha trovato un'altra base di ghoul." (Beneventi found another ghoul base.)

"Egli fece?" (He did?) Paccioretti gulped down the last of the coffee before throwing the cup into a bucket.

"Sì, sono di Giappone," (Yeah, they're from Japan) Lettiere nodded.

"Giappone...? Ho sentito che le custodie dei ghoul erano brutte. Ma non credo che siano così gravi come i casi in Ecuador," (Japan...? I heard the ghoul cases there were bad. But I don't think they're as serious as the ones in Ecuador.) Paccioretti answered.

"Sì...quei bastardi dell'Ecuador sono solo..." (Yeah, those bastard from Ecuador are just....)

"Shh, Potrebbero essere proprio accanto a te," (Shh, They might be right next to you.) Paccioretti smirked.

"Así que los escuché hablando de nosotros desde Ecuador," (So I heard you guys talking about us from Equador.)

Paccioretti and Lettiere flinched before leaping away and glaring at the unknown man in a mask in front of them.

"Tu chi sei!?" (Who are you!?) Paccioretti growled, eyes shifting to the kagugan as his kagune sprouted out from his shoulder.

"¿Eh? No entiendo." (Huh? I don't understand.) The man picked his ear. "Japón?" (Japan?)

He stretched his arms out. "¿Dónde?" (Where?)

"Ammazziamolo e basta!" (Let's just kill him!) Paccioretti growled with Lettiere nodding before they both charged.

"Ah ... finalmente puedo pelear." (Ah...I finally get to fight.) The man smiled before leaping up into the sky, kagune sprouting out from his back. "¡Aquí vengo!" (Here I come!)

Blood splattered onto the floor as red eyes shone in the dark.

"Solo tengo que esperar...y mientras espero..." (I just have to wait....and while I wait....)

He smirked as he glanced at the dead bodies.

(Have I stated anything about Kiori's kagune type or its shape?)

The birds chirped as Kiori stared at the rising sun.

Another day has passed.

"Kiori-nee!! Let's go play in the fields!"

Kiori looked up at the 4-year-old before smiling. "Sure."

"Now it's your turn to catch me! Count to ten!" The girl grinned.

"Ten seconds? Alright," Kiori smirked. "10.....9...."

The girl ran.


"Chikako!! How many times have I told you not to disturb Kiori-san!"

Kiori peeked out form underneath her fingers to see a woman around 28 scolding the girlwho pouted.

"Kiori-san has work to do, Chikako."

"It's okay, Nori-san!" Kiori smiled. "I don't have any work tod-"

She was cut off as a crash was heard in the distance.

Nori flinched, hugging Chikako tight.

Using chakra to boost her jump, Kiori appeared on top of the roof, her eyes widening. "Nori! Take Chikako and-"

She froze.

In their spot, lay a broken wall with blood seeping out from underneath.

Her hands trembled.

[DISCONTINUED] Secrets We Hold ( Tokyo Ghoul X Naruto Crossover )Where stories live. Discover now