Chilling Adventures of Sabrina: Nick / Caliban: Unconventional Roommates

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The void wasn't some black hole of everlasting darkness that swallowed light and never let it go. It wasn't a never-ending blackness that would drive even an Aldrich terror crazy. No. The void was a blindingly bright light. A white that had no end in sight. It continued on forever. The only thing that differentiated from the sterile landscape was a few people scattered around. They all seemed to be unconscious. They all started grabbing the minors and taking them out. I took pandora's box and opened the lid. 

The smoke and light were drawn into the container like a psychopomp to an astral projector. The world around slowly shrunk as it was absorbed by the same box created by the Greek gods. The others were getting the last of the minors out of the portal. There was still one body left though, Caliban. Sabrina told us to leave him, but he looks so helpless. His body is sprawled out on the pale ground. I know that he's evil or whatever, but everyone is until we somehow befriended them. I set down the box and it continued to absorb the void. Caliban was heavy but it wasn't too hard carrying him and the box. As the last of the void was absorbed, Caliban and I went through the portal. I shut the lid and the void was trapped for good. 

"Chains that bind, seal it tight, keep it from the creatures of the night." The incantation made the opening of the box disappear so it had nowhere to open from. "Lanuae magicae." With that, the box was gone. Endlessly floating through space where no one could find it. "Brina we did it! We got everyone!" I expected to see her talking to her aunts. All I found was her lifeless body laying on the alter. "Brina no. No no no no no. You can't go. You can't leave me." Tears flowed and fell onto her hands. Her aunt Hilda grabbed my shoulder and pulled me away.

"Um, not to make an already terrible situation worse, but, um, why did you bring Caliban back?" Her aunt was trying to talk through the tears. It was so apparent how difficult this was on her.

"I didn't want to leave him there. It didn't feel right." I wasn't lying. It didn't feel right leaving him to get sucked into pandora's box for eternity. He may not have been the best person but even he deserved better. "I'll take him home with me now." Stepping away from the heartbreaking scene in front of me, I grabbed Caliban's still unconscious body and teleported back home. And by home I mean my one-bedroom apartment that my parents pay for. I couldn't live at the academy anymore. The pitying stares and false apologies were too much. I was already struggling to recover and adding all of those people on top of it was not helpful.

I took Caliban to my room and laid him out on my bed. Luckily all he had on was that sleeveless coat with nothing else underneath. That was the only thing I removed before covering him up and leaving the room. I ended up on the couch watching Teen Beach Movie. Spending all those nights with Sabrina and the mortals lead to a love for Disney movies for me. Watching this was as comforting as it was aching. Without Sabrina, it feels like there's a deep hole in my chest. One that I have no idea how to begin filling. I could always follow her. I heard the sea of sorrow has some great waves to surf this time of year. The movie was halfway through 'Can't Stop Singing' when the bedroom door burst open and a shirtless Caliban ran out. He looked panicked and frantic, which makes sense.

"Where am I?" He scanned over the room before his eyes finally landed on me. "Where have you taken me?"

"You're in my apartment. I brought you back here after I got you out of the void, which you were almost left in mind you. I don't exactly have an expressway to hell like the rest of you do. And Lucifer sure as heaven wasn't coming for you. He got banished from hell. Madam Satan is in control now." Caliban was floored. In the time he was trapped in the void, his whole world was upturned. "Both Sabrina's are gone now too. I know you didn't care for Sabrina Spellman, but she's the reason you're here right now."He didn't say anything, just sat down next to me. It was quiet except for the movie that continued to play in the background. I continued to watch it until he spoke again. 

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