Victor Salazar: Self Discovery

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Victor's POV

God, moving everything inside of our new apartment was a challenge. Dad made me help put all of our furniture in the house. Some of that stuff is heavy. As soon as I finished bring all of our things inside, I head to my new bedroom I already have all of my necessities. I just have to unpack all of the things from the many boxes littered across my floor. The wood and blue walls of the room give it a cozy feel. I think about unpacking them now, but decide that finishing it tomorrow would be the better option. I take my computer and charger out of its case. I plug the charger in and set my computer in the right position. I really want some snacks. I walk through the living room and into the kitchen in the hopes that we have some kind of snack for me to eat. As I walk inside of the kitchen Adrian zooms past me. Probably exploring our new home. My mom is putting things away in the kitchen.
"Hey, Mom." I say while looking through the fridge.
"Hey, mijo. Are you Hungary?" I look over and she stopped putting the dishes away to look at me. I raise up from my bent over position in order to look back at her.
"No, I was gonna watch a movie on my computer and I was looking for something to snack on."
"Oh, well we have this pizza that we got delivered." She pulls a box of pizza out of the oven. She hands me the box.
"Thank you so much, this is perfect." I take two slices and put them on a plate. I put the box back in the oven and take my pizza back to my room. I take a seat at my desk and start looking through Netflix movies. I scroll through for maybe 20 minutes before deciding on watching The First Avenger. I start the movie and look at my almost finished pizza. I quickly finish it off as the opening scene starts.

Time Skip

The movie gets to the part where Steve takes the super-solider serum. He gets closed in the chamber. He gets injected with the serum and comes out much more muscular. He has a body chiseled by the gods and abs cut out of stone. Oh god... why did I just say that. Seeing Captain America's new body caused my body to have an unintended reaction. I feel my pants tighten as I stare at this man's half-naked body. No, no, I'm not gay. I'm probably just horny and it just happened to be at this part. I find myself staring at the paused image of Steve's body. The tent in my pants doesn't go away. I open an incognito tab and search for pictures of naked women. To my surprise, my erection actually starts to go down.
"No, damn it!" I slam my hand on the table. I hear a knock on my door. I quickly close the tab as someone opens the door.
"Is everything okay Victor?" My dad asked as he walked in with a concerned look on his face.
"Y-yeah dad, I'm fine. I just hit my toe on the edge of the desk. He looks content with my answer sand leaves. I rest my head in my hands. I'm... I'm g-. I think that I like... men.

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