Harvey / Nick: Drinks and Cuddles

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Harvey's POV

A knock at the door reverberated through the silence of my house. It was strange because who would be here at such a late hour. I was chilling on the couch watching TV, a horror, so the sudden noise sent a shiver down my spine. It couldn't be my dad, he was pulling a night shift at the mine. And even if it was him, he wouldn't have knocked on the door. So, back to my original question, who would be at the door. I got up from the couch and slowly approached the door. The silhouette of a man was standing in front of the door. With a few seconds of self-reassurance that it wasn't a serial killer, I opened the door.

"Nick?" Nicolas Scratch. A tall, dark, and handsome warlock. And Sabrina's ex-girlfriend. He didn't look like himself though. His clothes were wrinkled instead of the pristine press look that they usually did. He had dark bags under his eyes like he hasn't slept in days. There was a slight sway to the way he was standing. It's like he couldn't stay fully up on his own. This was solidified when I got a solid whiff of whiskey off of him. "What are you doing here? Are you alright?"

Nick flinched a little at my tone. The sight caused the tension to release from my body. He didn't seem like he was feeling his best. I moved aside and motioned him in. He let out a soft 'thank you' and wobbled through the door. The alcohol smell followed him in. It was nauseating and a little haunting. Images of my dad staggering in after a long night flashed before my eyes. I shook the thoughts out of my head and I realized I've just been standing here with the door open.

"Um, would you like something to eat?" I walked over to the fridge to look for anything I could serve him.

"I... um..." I hear quietly behind me. "I shouldn't have come here." That was much clearer. I turned and Nick was already opening the door.

"Nick wait!" I shouted. He paused in the threshold of the door. "Wait," I said softer this time. He backed up and closed the door if front of him. "You don't have to leave. You can stay if you want. I was watching a movie, you can join me if you want." I made sure to give him an out. I didn't want him to feel like he had to be here. I've known Nick for a while and I know he's not a bad guy. He puts up this cool guy front but that just what it is, a front. Underneath all of those thorns is a nice guy that cares about all of us. Even though he refuses to show us often, I know it's there.

"Okay, I'll join you." He had a small smile on his face. Mine was much bigger. I led him to the couch and sat him down. Clicking play on the remote started back up Grave Encounters. It's a found-footage kind of movie. I normally don't like horror movies but I love this one. While Nick watched, I started heating up some chicken noodle soup for the both of us. That should help to start sobering hip up.

It didn't take long for the soup to start simmering. I turned the stove off and poured the food into two bowls. Nick gladly took the bowl when I handed it to him. He dug in and was done before I was even half-finished with mine.

"Thanks, Harvey." Nick used my name. My actual name. Not Harry or mortal, Harvey. I didn't say anything, I didn't have to, the smile on my face was enough. The rest of the movie was quiet. We watched in silence and slowly drifted together. By the end of the movie, we were right up against each other. The smell of alcohol was still there but it lessened over time.

When the movie finished I took Nick upstairs to make him take a shower to get the last of the booze off of him. He went in without a fight and I left some Pj's in the bathroom for him. While he was in the bathroom I went to do some drawing. There's something so calming about drawing to me. I love doing it so much. It's the one thing I can rely on. My life just keeps getting weirder, at least I can draw through it. And my drawings have literally closed the gates to hell so they are pretty important.

The sound of the shower turning of pulled me out of my concentration. Nick exited the bathroom and came to my room. His hair was floppy and damp. Water ran down his face and to his shirt. Some went into his shirt but that's as far as I allowed my eyes to go before snapping them back up to his face. Control yourself, Harvey, that's not what we need to do in this situation.

"If you want you can sleep in Tommy's room. Or you can sleep in here with me." That last part was a joke. Unfortunately for me, I forgot that all wizards are not straight and Nick would have no problem sleeping with me.

"I'll sleep in here if that's alright with you. I'd rather not sleep alone tonight." I guess alcohol makes Nick a lot more emotional or something because I'm sure he wouldn't do half of these things sober.

"Yeah, that's fine." I gathered my papers and flipped them upside down so my dad wouldn't see them when he came in. Oh shoot, my dad. Probably better to lock the door so he doesn't accidentally walk in on Nick and me. That didn't sound right. So he didn't walk in on Nick and I sleeping together. Nope. That's worse. I'm just gonna stop.

I turned off the light and joined Nick in the bed. He had already got in while I was cleaning up. It was a bit awkward at first. We were both lying face up with a pretty sizable gap between us. It was silent except for the occasional creaking of the house. Then I felt fingers lightly brush against mine. For a second I tensed up and the fingers retreated. But, I acted fast and grabbed his hand. Then I laced his fingers with mine and squeezed my hand. I rolled over and pulled him along with me. His body was now pressed against mine. Don't judge me for wanting to be little spoon. I pulled his hand to my chest and just appreciated the warmth that he gave off. We're gonna have to talk about this new development but that can wait till morning. For now, it's time for us to sleep together. Nope, did not sound better the second time.

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