Steve / Billy: From Sad to Worse

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Steve's POV

I woke up with my boyfriend next to me just like I do every morning. His arms are slung around my waist, pulling me closer to his warm body. Billy wouldn't admit it to anyone but he loves cuddling. It's a real form of comfort to him because he didn't get much of it.

Due to my lanky stature, I'm able to slip out of his grasp with no problem. He rolled over but ultimately stayed asleep. I pulled on a pair of shorts and went to the kitchen. Our coffee maker sat in the same place It does every day. I prepare the filter and ground beans to make my cup of goddess water. The machine slowly dripped the coffee into the pot as I anxiously awaited its finish.

The sound of the bedroom door opening makes me look away from the half-full pot. Billy walked out of the room in an almost robotic-looking way. His posture is different from his typical morning grogginess and he looks too alert.

"Hey baby, are you-" He cuts me off abruptly while grabbing his car keys from our bowl by the door.

"I'm going out for a drive." Then he takes his leave and walks out. Not even a goodbye or I love you. Just... nothing. That's not like Billy at all. Even before we started dating he at least had the decency to make you know why he was leaving. Now it's like he doesn't even care.

The coffee machine beeps and pulls me out of my daze. I had been staring holes in the door since he walked out. As I poured the cup of coffee my mind continued to work. Billy's never been so cold to me before. Not even when we both basically hated each other. He's never been cold to me. So what is going on with him?


Billy walked back into the house without a word. When I turned to talk to him from my spot on the couch, he had already disappeared into the bedroom. The door shut with a loud thud and I was left just as confused as I was this morning. It's night now and he's been out all day. I've just been at home all day waiting for him to come back. I had talked to robin and the kids right after he had left but that's it. That's all the human contact I've gotten today. Billy and I were supposed to spend the day together. That didn't happen because who knows why.

The TV continues to flicker as I flip from channel to channel. Nothing seems to appeal to me right now. My mind is so focused on that fact that my boyfriend ditched me. All-day. And then had the audacity to walk back in without saying anything. Who the hell does that? I would think he was cheating but who would be so obvious about something like that. But, I love Billy and I know he would never do anything like that. Just like I thought he wouldn't ditch me.

When he re-enters the living room, I don't even look at him. I spot his dark figure round the couch and sit next to me out of the corner of my eye. I couldn't see his face too well because the only light In the room was coming from the TV. The couch shifted as he sat down against me. His arm is pressed right into mine. I don't say anything to him because he really upset me. The television light continues to flicker as I switch through the channels. I stop at The Princess Bride for a second and a breaking news animation appears on the screen. We don't really get those too much so this must be important.

"Breaking news. There has been a terrible tragedy in the small town of Hawinks, Indiana today. We have reports of multiple homicides that police believe were all made by the same person. The Victims include Robin Buckley, Will Byers, Johnathan Byers, Mike Wheeler, Dustin Henderson, and Heather Holloway, have all been reported dead." My body freezes. Tears well in my eyes because... they're dead. Someone killed most of the people that mean the absolute world to me. I lean against Billy's arm as tears run down my face. This has to be the worst day of my life. I feel something cold slither around me. It must be Billy trying to comfort me. I'm glad he's here for me when it counts. "Witnesses report seeing a blue Chevrolet Camero driving away from multiple houses. If you have any information please do not hesitate to contact us or the sheriff's department." Hold on a second, the only person that has a car like that is- oh no. It can't be it has to be some kind of mix-up. The grip Billy has on me tightens. Hold on a second, I'm leaning on his arm, so what the fuck is around me. My eyes trail along my body and a black tentacle that looks like it's made is smoke is wrapped around me. My eyes widen in horror at the atrocity around me. I physically start shaking and the tears flow more as I come to three realizations I really wish I hadn't. Billy killed them all. Billy is a monster. My Billy is gone. Now I'm trapped here with whatever this is.

"I'm so sorry about your friends Steve. You should come to join me in bed." Your friends, they were his too. His voice sounded wrong. It's like there's someone speaking through him, or something. He leaned in closer to my ear and feeling his breath sent shivers down my spine. And not in the way it used to. "And I suggest you don't try escaping unless you wanna end up like them." He points to the pictures of my friends still on the screen. My now dead friends. They weren't even just my friends, they were family. Those were the people that I woke up for every morning. The ones that kept me going. Now the rest of us have to figure out how to move on.

Billy rises from his spot next to me and walks back to our room with the tentacles moving behind him. They closed the door when he went inside. I stood and grabbed a glass of water. It spilled everywhere as I shook so much. I'm surprised the cup didn't fall.

Eyeing the door from behind the counter isn't doing me any good. There is only one way out of this dreadful situation. I have to kill the person whom I loved with all of my heart. With every cell in my body. If I don't, who knows if I'll make it through the morning. So, I grab a switchblade I have stashed in my kitchen drawer for when I'm going out and can't bring the bat. I shove it in my pajama pockets and prep myself up. As I got closer and closer I could feel my emotions slowly losing control. By the time I opened it up, I was sobbing. The door creaked open because Billy and I kept forgetting to use WD-40 on the hinges. Billy is laying in our bed and the tentacles are gone. He smiled at me but it looked sinister.

"Come join me, pretty boy." I walked over to the bed and slowly laid down next to him. I'm on my left side and he's on his right. He pulled me into his chest and held me close to him. His once warm body is now cold as ice. I cried and cried into his chest as he patted my head. My hand found its way into my pocket and I palmed the blade. I whispered an apology to Billy for what I was about to do. In quick succession, I opened the blade and brought it down in his back multiple times. He flipped on his back and I got on top of him and stabbed him in the heart. Black smoke left his mouth before spontaneously combusting and disappearing. Billy choked out one last thing before the life left his body.

"I'm sorry Pretty Boy, I love you and I forgive you." Blood left his mouth and he was dead. I threw the knife to the side and curled up against his lifeless body. My whole life is over. I'm not sure where to go from here. So I cried. The tears kept coming and I didn't do anything to stop them. My eyelids felt heavy and I fell asleep with my dead boyfriend right next to me.

I woke up with my boyfriend next to me just like I do every morning.

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