Peter Parker x Cooper Barton: Secret

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(A/N): Okay, I'm bringing all the avengers back in this part because it hurts to leave people out (). Also Cooper is 16 in this because he didn't get snapped away. I don't know how old he was before, but he's 16. Just don't question my logic okay. Hope you enjoy the fic.

Cooper's POV

"Dad, Can I please come with you to meet the avengers this time. I'm 16 and you never let me go. I want to meet the people who saved the world. Please, I will never ask you for anything else!" I pleaded to my dad.
"I said no Cooper." He says in an agitated tone. I try to think about how I can convince him to take me.
"Alright Dad, but I just want you to remember who you are, and I want you to remember that I am your son. Who knows what I'll do while you're gone." I turn away and walk away slowly with a smirk on my face. I hear him groan behind me. He doesn't say anything for a few seconds.
"Alright, fine. You can come with me to the compound. Just don't do anything stupid." He said. I jump up and down with excitement. He finally caved. I stop and look directly at him.
"But I can't promise I won't do anything stupid." He sighed heavily and shook his head while pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Alright, come on." He grabs his keys and I grab mine because I refuse to ride on the back of his motorcycle. He drives live a cracked up iguana. "Just follow me there." He looked over his shoulder to see me. I nod my head and get in my Jeep Wrangler. He gets on his motorcycle, starts it up, and drives toward the road. I follow him until we pull up to the big gate. He does some things and it opens. I followed him down this long path until we pull up to the actual building. I get out of my care and stare at the building in awe. It was so big and beautiful. I just stood there gazing at it. It looked so new snd modern. "Impressive huh?" I just nod and walk through the doors behind my father. We walked through until we got to a living room. I've seen all the avengers before, at Tony Stark's funeral, but I haven't been able to speak with any of them. I see a man with long hair drinking what looks to be coffee on the couch. He's scrolling through his phone with his regular hand and has the cup in the metal one. His eyes shift to us, then back to his phone.
"Hey, Mini-Clint!" He raised his mug at me and set it down on the coffee table next to him. He got up and walked over to me, ignoring my dad completely. I smiled a little at this. "Hi, I'm Bucky." He gives me a firm handshake with his regular hand.
"I'm Cooper Barton." I let go of the hand and goes back to the couch. I look at my dad and he was glaring at him hard.
"Nice to see you too Bucky!" My dad said in an annoyed tone. Bucky just grunts in response. "Love you too. Friday, call all of the avengers to the living room." He spoke while looking at the ceiling. I tilt my head to the side when the ceiling starts speaking back.
"Right away Mr. Barton." The female voice said. I was very scared of the fact that the goddamn roof was talking. Slowly more people start to shuffle in the room and sit around the coffee table in couches and armchairs. They eventually all enter the room and I stand slightly behind my dad out of embarrassment."Thank you all for coming. I called this meeting because my so Cooper," He turns and pushes me out from behind him. I feel my face heat up as all eyes were on me. "Wanted to meet you all so badly that he begged me to come here."
"Ugh, I wouldn't say begged, more like persistently asked." There are a few scattered laughs around the room. I stare down at my feet, suddenly not feeling as confident as I was earlier.
"Well, we should all introduce ourselves" I hear a woman talking. I look up to find out which one was speaking. "But first, where's Peter?" It was a woman with brown hair and clear white skin. I don't know who Peter is but he must be another one of the avengers. She calls out this mystery person's name. We wait for a few seconds when this super cute teenage boy, who looks around my age, comes barreling down the hallway. He stops once he reaches all of us. He looks around and we make eye contact. We stare into each other's eyes before we both look away from each other with pink tints on our faces.
"S-sorry I'm late, I-I was in the middle of something when you called the first time." His voice was showed he was clearly nervous. He shifting from foot to foot while staring at the floor. God, he was cute.
"It's okay Peter, just take a seat. We were all about to introduce ourselves to Clint's son, Cooper." A woman with red and white hair said. Peter took a seat on one of the couches next to Captain America.
"Okay, I'll start, I'm Natasha Romanova aka Black Widow." They all went around the room and introduced themselves. Peter was the last one to go.
"Hi, I'm Peter Parker, and I'm Spiderman." He was looking down at his hands and playing with his fingers. God, this kid is going to be the death of me.
"Well it was really cool to meet all of you, is there any way I can explore more of the compound?" My dad perks up at this.
"I'll be happy to show you around." I don't want him to show me though. I wanna be alone with Peter.
"Oh, I don't wanna separate you from your friend's dad. If he's okay with it, maybe Peter can show me around." Peter's head immediately shot up at the mention of his name.
"Uh... um, I would be happy to show you around." He smiles shyly at me. I look to my dad and he gives me the 'If you do anything stupid, I will shoot both of you with arrows' look. I walk up to Peter, grab his hand, and start leading him out of the room. As I walk out of the room I shout at all the avengers.
"See you guys later, have fun saving the world again!" As we get out of their lines of vision and earshot distance, I let go of Peter's hand. His face is bright red and he's looking down at the floor again. He takes a deep breath and looks back up at me.
"So, where do you wanna go first?" He asks me. "We could go to the training room or the lab, or-" I cut him off with a kiss. His lips were so soft and smooth, but it would be a lot better if he kissed back. He lightly puts his hand on my chest and I pull back. His face is a mixture of confusion, relief, and unbelieving. He scans my face for a few seconds before pulling me back into a kiss. This time, he does actually kiss me. We continue to make out in this hallway until we separate to catch our breath. He puts his forehead against men and we just stare into each other's eyes.
"Peter, as amazing as this was, we can't get caught doing this." He furrows his eyebrows in confusion and slightly tilts his head to the side. "I'm already out to him and everything, but if he found out I was doing this with you... he would literally put a bunch of arrows in you." His eyes widen in concern.
"Yeah let's not do that." We both laugh. "But don't worry, this can be our little secret." I lean in again and we share another kiss, this one much softer and more passionate than the first. I am never going to get tired of this.

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