Luke Patterson x OC: Ghost of you

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Max's POV

I was 10 when I first met Alex. He was the shy timid kid that always sat alone. While the rest of the kids were outside playing at recess, Alex was always sitting on his own reading a book. One day I got tired of playing on the slide with the other kids. Alex seemed like he was lonely and my friendly, bubbly self wouldn't stand for it. I ran from the playground and plopped myself right in front of him. I still remember how confused and scared he looked when he saw me. I tried talking to him, but I think he was too scared to talk back. So I talked the entire time, I kept speaking until the bell rang and it was time to go back inside. Alex hurried off, but before he went inside he turned and gave me a little wave.

That's how it went every day after that. Alex would be off to the side with his book and I would go and talk to him. He slowly started talking back and he became my best friend. Of course, 10-year-old me wanted to call everyone my best friend, but I really meant it with Alex. I was the only person he let call him Lexi. I remember when another kid tried to call him that and he gave them the angriest glare. He felt a little bad afterward, but I convinced him it was fine and he should be called what he wanted to. He was very appreciative of that. Alex has been anxious since he was little. It got worse as he grew up, but he always had us to help him.


Alex and I were in 6th grade when we met Bobby and Luke. Luke was this super enthusiastic kid. Well, he was enthusiastic about music. Everything else came second. Bobby was like his Anchor and his biggest conspirator at the same time. He tried to keep Luke grounded so he didn't do anything too stupid, but Bobby also liked to do stupid things. That's how we met them. Alex and I were walking around the park talking. There was a denser pack of trees we were passing when we heard a small yelp come from within them.

"Did you hear that?" Alex asked with a concerned look.

"Yeah, let's go see what it was." I started walking toward the trees when Alex stopped me by grabbing my arm.

"Are you crazy? You don't know what could be in there!" I almost rolled my eyes at that.

"Come on Alex, it sounded like a person made that sound. What if someone got hurt?" Alex looked as if he was mentally wrestling himself. He bit his bottom lip and looked up while he was thinking. He finally let out a sigh and conceded. I dragged him into the trees and we could hear shout-whispering as we got deeper. I kept looking back at Alex who had a slight blush creeping onto his face. Wasn't sure why at the time but I understand now. We eventually got to the source of the noise. There were two boys, one sitting on the branch of a tree, and the other on the ground.

"Luke, just jump down!" The boy from the ground shouted. Luke shook his head in the tree. His arms were wrapped around the base of the tree. His eyes were screwed shut and his face was pale.

"Is he okay?" I asked out loud. They both looked over to Alex and me. I felt Lexi shuffle more behind me, which was pointless because by now he was a good 2 inches taller than me.

"He'll be fine, he just needs to jump down!" The boy on the ground said louder this time.

"Shut up Bobby!" Luke shouted from the tree. I whisper a quiet 'I got this' to Alex. I walked up to the tree and hauled myself up. I climbed up and over until I was sat next to Luke.

"Hi Luke, I'm Max," I said and I gave him a bright smile. He opened his eyes back up and looked at me. "Are you stuck up here?" He nods his head quickly.

"I'm afraid of heights." He said. I stuck my hand out to him.

"Come on, we can jump down together." He slowly reaches out and grabs my hand. He lets go of the tree and closes his eyes again.

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