Austin / Dallas: Did You Turn Off The Lights?

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(A/N): I imagine that all the characters look as the actors do now. In the story, it's been 10 years so they've aged up a lot. That's all now. Peace!

Premise: "Did you turn out the lights?" "No." "Then we have a problem."

Austin's POV

Ten years. Ten years of friendship, love, pain, longing, and happiness. Ten years down the drain. I had thought that we would've been together forever; and we could've been. We could've lived long lives together. I don't know why the world decided that wasn't meant for us. It's not fair. It's not fair It's not fair It's not fair It's not fair. Why can't I ever have it easy. Why can't I ever just have love.


"Hey! Stop it! You know I don't like being ticked!" I laughed loudly as I tried to escape Dallas' grasp. Maybe if we were younger I could've, but he's bulked up a lot over the years. He's much stronger than me now. Which means there's no escape from him.

"I know, that's why I tickle you. And you know you love it." He stops tickling me and pulls himself up to my face. I stare into his eyes for a few seconds. The same ones I've been looking into forever. They still memorize me to this day. Dallas pulls me into a deep kiss. A feeling of content and warmth spread throughout me. It feels amazing.

When Ally and I dated, the relationship didn't feel right. It always felt hallow, like something big was missing from it. We broke up because we didn't fit as a couple. We're much better off as friends now. It took me a while to find out why I couldn't be with Ally. It's because I felt forced to be with her. Everyone was pushing so hard for us to be together that we never considered if it was what we really wanted. We were both made for other people and that was okay. Enter Dallas.

Before, Dallas had seemed like a background character in my life. Some annoying guy trying to get with Ally. After we had finished and I had actually talked to him, we became friends. It was nice talking to someone who wasn't Ally, Trish, or Dez. Dallas treated me like a person and not some prize to be won. I felt like me around him. That's why I fell for him in the first place.

"So, what would you like to do now Mr. Moon?" He teased. The lights shut off and we're left in the dark.

"I think you already know what you wanna do. Did you turn off the light?" I laugh at his obvious attempt for sex. It's cute but a little different from his usual methods.

"No?" HE chuckles lightly and I can make out the smile on his face from the light flowing through the curtains. The soft orange glow from the streetlamps makes him look gorgeous.

"Then we have a problem." I look over at the alarm clock to see a blank screen. "The power's out. We need to go check the fuse box." Dallas lifts himself after I tap on his arm. I grab two flashlights out of the nightstand drawer. We always keep supplies all over the house in case of emergencies. It was Dallas' idea because he's a safety freak. He doesn't want anyone hurting either of us in our own home. He also asks me to carry a taser with me whenever I leave the house. Luckily, I have not had to use it yet. Unless you count that time shocked Dez but that's neither here nor there.

I open the door and we both trek through the dark hallway. The shadows cast by the flashlight made everything look creepy. It didn't help that it was pretty dark outside. The house that's normally full of love and light now is shrouded in darkness. It's pretty scary looking.

"This place looks like a haunted house all of a sudden." Dallas says echoing my own thoughts. And he's not wrong in any way. Something feels off about the house all of a sudden. Never in the 5 years of us living here has it ever felt like this.

"Yeah, I've got this eerie feeling. But all we need to do is get the power back on and then relax. Simple mission. We can handle this." He tickles me a little and I jump forward out of reflex. We're already downstairs by this point. My body connects with something solid. I take a step back because I assume it's a wall. Boy was I wrong. The flashlight illuminated something solid white. As my flashlight trailed upward, I realized that it wasn't a wall or anything like that. It was a body. The body was horribly disproportionate and covered in scratches and scars. Its arms extended down so far that they almost dragged on the floor Dallas pulled me backward and then I saw the face. The face that would haunt my dreams for as long as I lived. It had deep, sunken, black eyes that had tiny white dots for pupils.

"Run Austin! Fucking run!" He dragged me away towards the basement. I ran with him as the flashlight beam jumped around. The beast could be heard from behind me. Its heavy stomps echoed through the formerly empty house. It knocked things over in pursuit of us. Dallas shouldered the basement door open and we both stumbled inside. I quickly forced the door closed and locked it. The monster hit the door hard and it almost caved in. Then, it let out a noise I could never begin to describe. We covered our ears and then the noise stopped suddenly. "Do you think it's gone?" Dallas was panting hard. Breath control is one of the things I learned during singing so I was mostly okay. Just shaken up.

"I have no idea. Let's get the lights back on so we don't have to fight it in the dark. Or at least so we can get help." We go down the basement stairs and into the darkness. It seemed like the lower we went, the less our flashlights could illuminate. It was as if the darkness had gotten thicker. When we reached the bottom of the steps I quickly ran to the box. Before I could even lay my hand on it, I was dragged to the ground. I look down at my foot and see a long while arm grabbing my ankle. When I shift the flashlight, I see it. Before I could react, I heard Dallas scream.

"Austin! Please help me!" I shone my flashlight higher and see so many of those creatures. They're dragging Dallas away into the darkness. He's struggling and trying to grab out to me, but he's too far to get. I need to turn the lights back on and then I can get to him. I'll be able to save him.

"Hold on! I got you just hold on!" I frantically struggle against the monster clawing at my leg. Once I'm able to get free I rip the breaker box open and turn on the power. The lights reactivate and I'm able to breathe. I whip around and call out his name.

"Dallas I-" But he was gone. There was no trace of him anywhere. I ran through the house in hopes of finding him somewhere. Anywhere. But he was nowhere to be seen. Dallas was gone and there was nothing I could do to get him back. I fell to the floor and cried to my heart's content. The tears flowed freely, and I did nothing to stop them. When I was able to, I called the police to come. They found nothing and I lost the one man I loved. My friends came to comfort me, but there was only so much They could do. Goodbye, Dallas. I'll always love you.

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