Ian / Mickey: Don't Make me Fucking Miss You

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(A/N): There is the use of the f-slur so please be cautious reading this. Enjoy.

Mickey's POV

I just wish for one moment that my life wasn't a never-ending shithole. A black hole that has been constantly sucking me in since the day I was born. And for one second, just one, it wasn't totally awful. It wasn't just pain and suffering and suffering for a while because I had something nice. Someone nice. Ian Fucking Gallagher. He was always there. Even when I told him not to be, he was. I didn't realize how much I needed someone like him until he was gone. And it's my fault too. He gave me the opportunity to tell him to stay. I didn't do it. Because I was scared. Scared that I would look into his green eyes and beg him not to leave me. That's why I couldn't even look at him.

Now he's gone and I don't know where he went. I wish that I would've told him not to leave. I know it's childish but some days I imagine what it would've been like if we ran away together. We could've stolen a car and just drove away. With no destination, nowhere to go, just driving away to start a new life together. Like that girl, he told me about. Easel. Ethanol. Ethel. Ethel! That was her name. We could've just done what Ethel did. We could've been happy. I could've been happy.

I need a drink and a smoke. So, I threw on a jacket and some jeans and walked out of the dump I call my home. My wife asked where I was going but I told her to fuck off. She's only here because I was forced to marry her. I would never marry that whore otherwise. She means nothing to me. The only people that mean anything to me are my brothers, sister, and Ian. Now I only have family left.

I've been subtly asking people who know him if they know where he is. Where he went. Why he left. But no one knows. They all keep saying that he'll come back, but the more the days pass, the less I believe it.

I don't know why I want him back so badly. He left. He knew I needed him and he left. I don't need him. I'm not a fucking faggot. I'm not like him. I don't need guys, I'm not into that. I don't miss a single thing about him. Not his eyes, not his face, not his uplifting personality, and definitely not his cock. None of that. Fuck I really need that drink. The Alibi was in sight now so I could finally drown my sorrows in alcohol. Before I could go in I was intercepted by my sister.

"You need to go get your boyfriend." She has a serious expression on her face. Boyfriend? Who does she think I am?

"What the fuck are you on about." There's no way she could know about him. Unless he told her. Or maybe she found it out on her own who the fuck knows.

"I'm not gonna spell it out for you. Here." She hands me a slip of paper with an address on it. "That's where Ian's working. Go get him, please." Fuck. I had to get wrapped up In this bullshit. Mandy walked away in her stupid squirrel uniform. What the fuck does a squirrel have to do with waffles? Now I really need that drink. If I'm gonna go get this dumbass then I'm gonna need some alcohol in my system. I walked into the Alibi, ordered two shots, paid, and went on my merry way.

He's apparently working at a club called Fairy tale and I can already tell the kind of place I'm about to walk into. It sounds like some kind of fag club. Fuck, Ian probably has a bunch of old men touching upon him. It had to be up to me to save him huh. Why didn't Mandy give this address to his fucking family or something?

I entered the club and immediately felt out of place. Everyone looked so happy and opening and it makes me feel sick. I want to be happy, why can't I be happy. Where's Ian. I push through all the people trying to get handsy with me. I'm trying not to snap and possibly attack someone. I just need to get Ian and get out, that's my only objective. And now I can complete it because I see him dancing on the table and he looks... good. Better than good, fucking hot. I approach him and the man that he's grinding upon.

"Alright, get up buddy, you've had your time." I pulled Ian off of him and shoved him behind me. The guy looks upset but I give him a look that is filled with murderous intent. He backs off and heads to another dancer in the club. I turn back to Ian who looks annoyed that I'm there.

"What are you doing here Mickey?" He wouldn't look me in the eyes.

"I'm here to get you out of here. Now let's go." I grabbed his hand to try and lead him out of here. But, his stubborn nature made him pull his arm out.

"And why should I do that. What do I have waiting for me? At least here I have a purpose, people that want me." His emotions are wild. I don't understand why he's so mad at me. I'm trying to help him out.

"Because Ian your family is worried about you. Mandy is worried about you." I paused. Weighing if I should say what I wanna say. I already drove him away once, I'm not doing it again. "I need you." I could tell he's trying to suppress it but that smile still pops onto his face. It's just as gorgeous as it was the last time I saw him.

"Fine, I'll go. On one condition." God, of course, there's a condition. Nothing can be easy, can it? "I want a kiss, right here, right now." A kiss? How can something so small fill my stomach with such dread? I don't care about what all these people think about me. If anything gets back to my dad though... no. I have to stop worrying about him. He doesn't control me and if he tries anything I will kill him myself. If I want to be with Ian fucking Gallagher, then I will. I grab his face and put his lips on mine. Now I'm no bitch so I'm not gonna say it was magical or anything, but it did feel nice.

"Let's go home, Ian."

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