Billy / Steve: I Missed You

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Premise: El's not the only experiment. She's just the worst at hiding it.

Steve used to know a boy as a kid. He can never remember the name as hard as he tried, even when he stretched his mental powers as far as he could. He just didn't have anything that he could use to ground himself back at that moment.

It's not like he remembers much of the boy anyway. Only some memories and a few parts of some here and there. But what he does remember of the boy he holds near and dear to him. His time in the lab was... unpleasant to say the least and a crime against humanity at its worst. But having someone else there with him made it just a little better. That boy was his entire support in a nightmare that never seemed to end. Steve regrets not being able to remember his name but to be fair, he doesn't remember hearing it all that much. He believes he heard it twice, but it still eludes him. The boy's number is still clear in his mind though. 008.

He unconsciously rubs the 007 tattoo on his own arm. It's a reminder of the painful childhood he lived through. Lucky for him, he was able to make it out though. Steve's mom and father weren't able to have a child of their own. Once Steve was old enough and had a strong grip on his powers, he broke free. He ended up hiding in the Harrington house's backyard until Mrs. Harrington discovered him back there after all the commotion he made. She decided that the little boy with the buzzcut and strange tattoo was meant to be hers. She brought Steve in and cared for him until the light started to pour into the house. Steve was given food and took a shower for the first time in days. He had never felt like that before like he had a parent of his own.

Mr. Harrington, on the other hand, as opposed to keeping Steve. He had no idea what some homeless child was doing in his backyard and didn't want anything to do with him. Even after his mother insisted on keeping him, Mr. Harrington never treated Steve like his son. He just saw him as another person in his house. Of all the mistakes Mr. Harrington made in his life, Steve Harrington was the most expensive one.

Steve pulls himself away from his existential dread and gets ready for another day of high school. He used to run the place, even being bestowed the title of "King Steve". But after Nancy and all the things with the upside-down he was tired of the popularity. It wasn't as if he wanted it in the first place. The only reason he wanted to be popular was to hide the fact that he was different. And not like in personality, but in the fact that he had psychic abilities and could make electricity from his fingertips.

So now Steve lived as an outcast. Ostracized by the people he used to call his friends. But it was okay because Steve met someone just like him, Eleven. Before Steve even met the girl, he was having visions of her. At first, he assumed he was psychic stalking a kid. That was until he started seeing her in pain with wires strapped to her head. Steve immediately knew what was going on. There's only one reason she'd be in that situation, and that's because of the lab. Steve should have known they were still at it. He just hoped that they would've stopped. He wanted to go to the lab, wanted to try and shut them down himself. But he knew he couldn't. He wasn't strong enough to do it on his own.

El was a strange girl. She couldn't speak well just like Steve when he first got out. He still can't read well because he had gone so long without being able to do it. She also didn't have the same powers like his. While they both shared psychic abilities, she had telekinesis rather than electricity. He knew their powers wouldn't be exactly the same. After all, he remembers seeing the boy with flames flickering on his fingertips. Since meeting her Steve's seen her as a younger sister of sorts: much like how he feels about Dustin. She'd been through so much and Steve wanted to make sure she felt protected. Although, he didn't tell them about his powers. He didn't tell anyone. It wasn't something he wanted to deal with. He didn't even use his powers. Not unless it was an absolute emergency. Even when it meant he could've fought the Demogorgon he didn't use them. Even now he was still a little afraid of being different. So, he would hide his powers until they became too much of a burden to hide anymore.

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