Harvey / Nick / Caliban: The Beach Episode

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Harvey's POV

In all honesty... I really don't know how this happened. I somehow managed to not get one, but two boyfriends. And they couldn't have been just some regular people. Noooooo. They had to be a warlock and the Prince of Hell. Caliban and Nick had taken a liking to me and as much as I don't want to admit it, I like them too. Well, I'd have to since I am dating them. As weird as those two are with their witchcraft that I still don't fully understand, I still lov- like. Like. I like them. Oh god. No wonder Sabrina calls us the chaotic couple.

Speaking of, I was walking to meet with Roz, Sabrina, Nick, Caliban, Theo, and Robin at Dr.C's. I got down the street for the shop when I suddenly wasn't walking by myself anymore. A twister of fire appeared on my left and a figure shifted into existence on my right. They somehow know exactly where I am and frankly? I don't wanna know how. Two pairs of arms wrapped around me. One on my shoulders and the other on my waist.

"Hi, Nick." I turned and kissed him on the cheek. "Hey, Caliban." I turned my head the other way and kissed his cheek. We weren't worried about people seeing us being affectionate in public. Considering the three of us are all built, most people didn't attempt anything. There was that one time Billy called me a fag and these two were seconds away from pouncing at him. I didn't like violence, but these two had no problem with it. That would've been the end of it if Billy didn't double down and ask if they were my "Faggot boyfriends". That didn't go over well. There was no magic involved. Just straight-up fighting, It was the two of them against Billy and five other guys. Let's just say that the two of them walked away from that fight rather cheery.

We walked inside of the bookshop and Theo was browsing the LGBTQ+ section with Robin by his side. Robin only comes to visit. He spends most of his time in Fairie to keep his powers up. Although, he does frequently come to the mortal world because he can't stay away from Theo. Those two were made for each other. Theo looked up from the copy of Red, White, and Royal Blue he was looking at and locked eyes with me.

"Harvey, Nick, Cal! You're here!" Theo ran over and wrapped his arms around the three of us. As soon as he let go I pried myself away from my two boyfriends and hugged him independently. I made sure to give Robin a hug too. Robin has been a great friend to all of us. He's done more than enough to earn all of our trust.

"Where's everyone else?" Caliban asked. He was dressed in mortal clothes to blend in. Do you know how difficult it was to persuade Caliban to wear a shirt everywhere? He does not like doing that one bit. Nick and I had to make an agreement with him that he had to wear a shirt out of the house, but inside was free rein. I'm okay with this though because I get to see him walk around shirtless all the time.

I live with Nick and Caliban in our two-bedroom apartment. After I came out to my father he kicked me out. He said that now both of his sons are dead, made me pack my belongings, and threw me out. Nick and Caliban were waiting outside for me and when I walked out of my house in tears, they weren't happy. My dad was suspiciously beat up by the next day. They probably cursed him actually. I explicitly told them not to do anything like that. They most likely didn't listen to me though. Now that I think about it, they don't listen to me a lot. I'm gonna have to fix that later.

"They're sitting at one of the booths waiting so we can go." It took us a little bit of planning, but we're taking a trip to the beach. We don't live near a beach so we're going to teleport there. Normally I would be averse to the idea, but having two magic boyfriends has gotten me used to it. At first being around magic was a little triggering but now it's part of my normal life. It's part of me.

"Great, let's go get them." We went from the bookshop to the restaurant. Roz and Sabrina are sitting at a middle booth with two milkshakes in front of them. There was also a cooler and bag with supplies next to Roz's feet.

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