Pietro / OC: Age of Ultron

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New York - 2013

The power stone had somehow made its way to earth. And I had found it. It was in this strange casing: a circular shell with all kinds of holes. It seemed odd to me from the start. That was solidified when a blast landed very close to my foot. I took the sphere and ran. I was terrified. The shots that were coming at me weren't from a normal gun.

It was nighttime in the more ghetto part of New York. I had just gotten off work and was walking home when I saw it lying abandoned on the ground. Now I'm being hunted down and I don't even know why. There were footsteps following close behind me as I kept running. They kept getting closer and closer until they stopped and I heard a thud sound. I turned around and a red and blue blur kicked a monstrous-looking creature into the wall. I didn't wait for an invitation and just kept running. As soon as I felt I was far enough, I halted and gasped for air. When I caught my breath, I finally had time to examine the object. I rotated it within my hands and the top of it opened on its own. The purple glowing stone inside was mesmerizing. Even more so when it started floating on its own. It left its shell and levitated right in front of my face. Then it unleashed a wave of untold power that went right into me. I was flung against a wall and everything went back. I woke up in the hospital hours later. They said that I was dropped off in front of there. I guess I have to thank Spiderman for that.

But that was all years ago. The power stone was nowhere to be found when Peter got to me. He just found me knocked out in the alleyway. Afterward, I went to avengers tower because I thought something might be wrong with me. I was right. Turns out that the stone gave me the power to control the elements. Which is pretty cool in my book. They took me in and trained me to use my powers. I spent a lot of my time with Thor because I could also control lightning. He also helps me with my non-electrical-related powers too. The others helped too and it was nice to hang out with them. After getting ahold of what I could do, I was invited to start going on missions. I got a suit and everything. For my codename, I decided to go with the name Tempest. I felt it was pretty fitting. Now that we have my origin out of the way, it's time to go to the present.

Sokovia - 2015

I'm honestly considering switching to Ultron's side just to kill Tony. There are so many of these stupid Ultron robots. They just keep coming and coming and they show no sign of stopping. And it's not like we can just go all out and because we have people we need to save. At least we have the twins fighting with us because that helps a lot. And the fast one, Pietro, is kinda fine. Even if he wasn't on our side I would pull a Romeo and Juliet with him. Whether or not he would do one with me is a whole other story.

That's all besides the point because now we have to protect the world's most advanced switch ever. One that will have us plummeting to the earth if we don't succeed. So needless to say stakes are high. This would've been easier if we didn't have an entire army of robots coming after us. I was straining my powers doing this. I've had them for less than 2 years and we have been fighting for a while now. I summoned a thundercloud above us that started shocking a bunch of robots. One of them jumped at me so I forced it away with a blast of air. I looked over and one of them grabbed Nat so I stomped on the ground. A mini earthquake traveled to them and it knocked the robot off its feet. She was able to escape its grasp and stomp its head in. Since I was distracted a bunch of them jumped on me, taking me to the ground. I concentrated for a minute and blasted them all off with a fiery wave. I pushed myself back up with air and went back to fighting.

Time Skip Brought to you by... The Time Stone!

Thank goodness Fury came through to get all of these people off of this floating deathtrap onto a floating, not deathtrap. It took a lot of effort to get people away because Ultron didn't want them to leave. He made sure all the robots were focused on thwarting our efforts. I formed a tornado to keep them at bay while I shuffled people onto the ship. Some got caught in it but most of them flew around it. While the people of Sokovia ran to the dropship, I made a wall of ice that they crashed into. I held them off long enough for everyone to board. One crashed through the wall straight at my face but an arrow went right through the side of its head. I turned and Clint was smirking at me.

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