JaTP x Lucifer: Ghosts Can Teleport? Part 3

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Ashtriel's POV

While I mean absolutely no harm to these ghosts, I need to take precautions. Ghosts are uncharted territory for me, and I refuse to put anyone at risk. They seem like nice people and everything, but you can never be sure.

The book had so much helpful information about ghosts. It gave me wards to draw around the room so when the ghosts came in, they couldn't get it out until I removed them. A little kidnapper-ish but safety is important. Sometimes. I'm invulnerable but that's all irrelevant information. The point is to take precautions.

Another thing in the book was pages with different magic spells ghosts can do. There are also things to negate and break it. That will come in handy later, I can tell. I had no clue ghosts could do so many cool things. I thought they just pop up, scare people, and leave. Turns out they're much more capable than that. I wonder if I can self-actualize magic or something. Actually, I lied, I am in no way responsible enough for that. Unlike my father, I know my limits.

Speaking of my father, he saunters into the room while I'm drawing the sigils on the walls. He stops for a second to stare at me.

"What on earth are you doing Ashtriel?" He sets his blazer down upon the piano and takes a seat at the bar. "This penthouse wasn't made so you could sit here and deface the walls." I roll my eyes at his words even though he can't see it.

"Remember when I asked you about ghosts a few days ago?" I asked as I finished up. Once the sigil was done, I turned and gave him my full attention.

"Yes, of course. I was very confused as to why though."

"Well, I found these three ghost boys and they're coming over at some point. Honestly, I don't even know if they're coming today or not. But they're coming and I'm preparing with things from this book you have." I hold the book up and he looks surprised.

"Look at you doing research and talking to spirits. You make me such a proud Devil." He opens up his arms and I go in for the hug. The devil likes to hug, everyone. I hope this ends up on front-page news.

"Would you like to stay to meet them? It doesn't seem as though you have anything better to do." He openly gawks at me. Pushing his button is something I've been doing for years.

"If you weren't correct, I would've been much angrier. So yes, I will join your little undead party. You better hope they come today or I'm taking away your wing privileges." I gasp. He wouldn't dare do something so treacherous.

"You're so mean. I don't love you anymore. I'm telling Maze that you're bullying me and she's gonna beat you up for me." My father simply gets up and pours himself a drink.

"Please, I'm the parent. Punishing you is my job." Technically it's also his real job. Being a police consultant and the ruler of hell. Before our banter can continue there's a flash of light behind me. The boys had arrived. "Oh, you weren't kidding." My father said as he eyed the boys. There was another person with them, a long-haired boy I haven't met before. His fingers were locked with Alex's. How cute.

"Luke, Reggie, Alex, and other boy, welcome to my home. This is my father Lucifer Morningstar." The boys all freeze except for the new guy.

"Cool to meet you, Mr. Morningstar! You too Ashtriel." My father raises a glass at his words. I can tell that kid is gonna be my father's favorite of them all. "I'm Willie by the way." Willie, a fitting name for him. He gives off skater boy vibes, although that could be coming from the skateboard at his side.

"Y-you're the Lucifer?" Luke asked with a shaky voice. Maybe having my father here wasn't the best idea. Oh god, what have I done? I'm going to scar these ghosts for all of eternity.

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