Winn Schott Jr. x Mon-el: Earth Customs

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Winn's POV

Working at the DEO is fun until someone breaks in and tries to kill us. Again. Most of the agents had to go on an urgent mission. As far as I know, Kara, Jon, Mon-el, Alex, and few agents scattered about are the only ones here. I take my tablet and hide in the training room. I locked the door and go to the far end of the room. I tap into the security cams to find out what's going on. I kept switching the cams until I saw Kara and Jon fighting a white martian. I check the containment chambers and Psy was also free. I go through the cameras until I spot her standing in front of a quivering Alex. Suddenly Mon-el sneaks up behind Psy and punches her out. He helps Alex off the floor and once she's stable he speeds off. I don't know where he's going because he's to fast for me to track. Then the training room door flies across the room and Mon-el rushes in.

"Winn, are you in here?" He looks around until he spots me in the corner. "Oh Winn, I'm glad you're safe." I get up off the floor and he runs up and pulls me into a hug. I feel my face heat up and I lean into his warmth. He seemed really concerned about me which I didn't expect. He puts both hands on my shoulders.

"Did anyone hurt you?" He looks at me with concerned eyes as he scans over my body for injuries.

"Mon-el, I'm fine. I ran in here before anyone got to me." Before he could say anything Kara speeds in with Alex by her side.

"Are you guys alright? Jon is locking up Psy and the Martian" Kara asked.

"Don't worry, we're okay. But I'm gonna go get a cup of coffee and comfort food because this has just taken all of my energy." I walk past Kara and Alex by the door. I get about halfway down the hall when I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn to look who it is and it was surprisingly, Mon-el.

"Mind if I join you?" He gave me the smile that he knows I can't resist. I feel my face heat up again.

"No, I don't mind at all." I tried to sound normal but I was stuttering the whole time. I don't think he'll think anything of it because he's not from here. We go into the kitchen and I start brewing a cup of coffee. "Do you want one?" I hold up an empty coffee mug. He nods his head and takes a seat at one of the tables. I brew both of us a cup of coffee and heat up 2 cinnamon buns that I had in the fridge. I write Alex's name on them to keep it from being eaten. I bring all of it to the table he was sitting at. I set his things in front of him and I take a seat across from him.

"So Winn, I have something to talk to you about." His changes from happy to serious and he sits up a little straighter. I get a little nervous because I don't really see him like this unless he's fighting.

"What, uh, w-what is it?"

"I've been talking to Kara about earth customs and she taught me about earth mating rituals. She told me about these things called "Crushes". He puts up finger quotes. I'm honestly surprised that he knows how to use them. "She explained that on earth when you have a crush, you have to ask them out. Which does not mean taking them outside." I laugh a little because I forgot how literally he takes everything. I'm not sure where this is going, but I hope he's gonna ask me out. I know that it'll never happen because he's this super hot and sexy alien god, and I'm just me. He probably wants advice on asking out a girl. Whoever she is, she is one lucky lady.

"Anyway, that's why I wanted to talk to you. Winn, do you want to go out with me?" I was taken aback. I couldn't even say anything because I was so stunned. He wants to go out... with me. I have been dreaming about this since the moment I saw him, but I never expected this to happen. I don't say anything for a few seconds and his face shifts to sadness. "I will take that as a no then. Sorry for asking." He starts to get up and I feel my heartbreak.

"Nononononnonono! Mon-el wait." I start panicking because I don't wanna ruin my shot. He sighs heavily and turns around slowly. "I really, REALLY wanna go out with you. He smiles brightly.

"Okay, now how do we do this dating thing exactly."

"Yeah, you should've asked Kara about that part."

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