JaTP x Lucifer: Ghosts Can Teleport?

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(A/N): Okay, quick notes.

1. I have way too much energy all of a sudden and have been writing things that I really like.

2. Lucifer has a son in this, his name is Ashtriel. 

3. I may have a slight JaTP obsession (Can you tell?)

4. Someone make me sleep, please. Anyway, Peace!

Ashtriel's POV

"I'm leaving father. I'll be back later!" I called out as I stepped into the elevator of the apartment. I was not going to his bedroom to tell him because I don't wanna find out who's in his bed today. It doesn't really bother me that our house is pretty much a revolving day of people, but if I can avoid seeing who comes in, I will. The doors opened to the bottom floor, LUX. It was rather slow since it was pretty early in the day. Maze is manning the bar for the few who approached it.

"Later Maze, I'm out." I put up a peace sign as I walked off.

"Later, try not to murder anyone. Or do. I don't really care." I laughed a little and entered the streets of LA. It's a sunny day and the streets are bustling with people. It's nice to be out and about. There was no destination for me, I just wandered and waited for something interesting to come to me. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. Today, it definitely worked. 3 guys, one with long blond hair and a fanny pack, one with Long brown hair and no sleeves, and one with a leather jacket and a plaid shirt tied around his waist. I wouldn't normally see anything weird about them, but they did teleport away right in front of me. I'm no expert in mortals, but I'm pretty sure they don't do that. I walked to a secluded ally and spread my wings. A little stretching and I was up in the air flying to my newly acquired destination. That destination is my friend Sam's house. I met him not long after coming to earth. When I'm not wandering the streets, I'm hanging out with him. He's become my mortal guru of sorts. A few seconds later and I was standing on his front doorstep. A simple knock at the door and there he was. Standing there with his Jet black hair and the light blue eyes that he uses to swoon everyone.

"Humans can't teleport correct?" He looked confused. Like I had suddenly grown a second head. I subtly touched my shoulder to make sure. When I was sure I Hadn't, I went back to waiting for an answer.

"No people can't teleport. Why do you ask?"

"Because I saw three of them do it and no one seemed to notice."

"That is... strange. Should we check it out?"

"Of course." I grabbed him and took flight. Sam let out a shriek as we flew back to LUX.


We sat by the large window in the living room of my apartment. I kept a close watch on the street because I could see better than him. Being the son of Lucifer does have its perks.

"Are you sure you saw correctly? Maybe you thought you saw something that you didn't" I rolled my eyes at him. Who does he think I am.

"Of course I know what I saw. No one sees as well as me." We stayed there for a few hours. I kept watching the window and Sam watched some shows on Tv. The sun had already gone down and Sam said he had to go back home. Instead of flying him back, just called him an uber. At this point, I was ready to give up. Maybe I did just see incorrectly. During the few minutes that we were waiting, I gave up my frivolous search and looked away from the window.

When the car got here I walked him through the now pact and bustling club. We had to squeeze through the wave of people (I possibly pushed some that were getting a little too handsy). When we finally got outside and Sam was safe in the car, a realization hit me. Maybe this is some weird supernatural thing. You would think that I would've thought of that earlier but I guess not. I went to go back to the club, but something caught my eye. A very famous concert venue, The Orpheum, had three boys sitting on its sign. I've been there before with my father and seen many celebrities get their big break. Anyway, back to the three boys, they're the same guys from before. Only now they're wearing different clothes. I went back to the empty alley and took flight under the cover of night. I landed on the roof of the building because I didn't want to stand on the sign. They hadn't taken notice of me yet. So, I sheathed my wings and revealed my presence.

"Hello there." All three of their heads shot to the side. They looked as if they saw a ghost. The boy with the pink sweater eyed the other two suspiciously.

"Is he talking to us?" Said the one with the leather jacket and no shirt for some reason.

"Yes, I am talking to you. Now tell me, how did you three just disappear in a crowd of people, and no one noticed?" I went straight to the point. This has been bugging me all day and I wanted answers. Right now. The shady boy was the one to answer my question.

"Because we're ghosts. But the only other person that can see us is Julie. Are you a ghost too?"

"Ghosts, that makes sense now. Although I didn't know they could teleport. I'd have to ask my father about that one. And to answer your question, my name is Ashtriel Morningstar; son of Lucifer Morningstar." They were all floored. The blond one looked horrified. Like I had just grown horns. Which I can do for the record. I killed it on my first Halloween.

"L-Lu-lucifer. As in... the devil?" His voice was shaken and his eyes were so wide it seemed like they might fall out. I don't know much about spirits so maybe they could.

"Yes as in the devil. Do you know another Lucifer?" I tilted my head to the side inquisitively. They all continued to stare until leather jacket (whose shirt had reappeared) started laughing nervously. He went from chuckling to hysterical.

"You must be joking. That was a good one. You have a great sense of humor for a ghost." Ah, a coping mechanism. Humans don't tend to fare well when I reveal my identity. Either that or they just flat out don't believe me. Well, there was that one time the lady started bowing and called me "The Dark Lords Predecessor". Like lady, I have a name. But, I digress.

"I can prove it you know." The sleeveless one gave me a look that said 'how'. So I did the most reasonable thing. Spread my wings and shifted my eye color to red. It's not like they can get a heart attack if I scare them too much. Although they did manage to turn a pale white color. I don't know how because they don't have any blood. The brown-haired one teleported off the sign and in front of me to block the other two away.

"Please don't hurt us." He pleaded. I could see the fear in his eyes. Sometimes being the son of the devil is not very fun.

"I'm not going to hurt you. Just because I'm the son of the devil doesn't mean I'm out to hurt people. Neither is my father. He actually works with the police department and owns a nightclub. Don't believe everything you read in some stupid book. A lot of it is biased. My grandfather never killed a bunch of babies." I realize that dropping all of this information at once may not be the best idea. "But, this is all stuff that can be discussed later. When you all aren't freaking out. I'll give you a few days to process what I just told you and if you want to speak again, come find me on the top floor of LUX. If I'm not there then tell someone else you're there for me. I have to go, but before I do, I need names." I raised an eyebrow expectantly.

"I'm Reggie, that's Alex and Luke." He pointed them out individually.

"Reggie, what the hell?" Alex shouted.

"I would've found out anyway, telling me just saved me the trouble. Anyway, bye." Since my wings were already spread, I just took off back home. When I landed on the balcony I found my dad sitting at the bar nursing a glass of whisky. "Rough night?" He didn't turn to look at me; just kept staring forward.

"Something like that." I walked behind the counter and grabbed a bottle of coke from the small fridge under there.

"Well, I have a few questions for you. What do you know of teleporting ghosts?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Well, I haven't encountered many ghosts before but from my knowledge they all teleport. It's like astral projecting with nobody, your spirit is free to go anywhere. You have no need to abide by human rules." I nodded, happy I was able to acquire something.

"Thank you. Also, if three boys show up here, call me immediately. I'm going to bed and it seems that you have company." As I walked to my room Amenadiel stepped out of the elevator. "Hi, uncle," I stated as I closed my door. I have a lot of supernatural research to do tomorrow and I need my sleep. 

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