Alex Standall x Zach Dempsey: He's A Werewolf I Swear!

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Alex's POV

"I'm telling you Jess, he has to be a werewolf. There's no way that he isn't." Jess rolled her eyes like she always does whenever I bring this up. She doesn't believe me but I know I'm right. Zach Dempsey is without a doubt, a werewolf. It does sound a little crazy but it's true. The guy is a supernatural freak of nature. He runs just a little too fast and seems a little too strong. And I've seen Teen Wolf and he fits the criteria perfectly. The guy has to be a werewolf. He also fits the looks of a hot teen werewolf.

"He's not a supernatural creature Alex. He's just a regular jock. Why are you pushing this so much?"

"Because things aren't adding up. I once sat him climb a fence super fast. And it wasn't a wire fence, it had bars Jess. Bars."

"Are you sure you're not just projecting your crush on him into this?"

"I don't have a crush on him Jess. This is purely for werewolf research." She rolled her eyes again and changed the topic. I'm gonna let it go for now but I know for sure that he's a werewolf. One time I saw him going through the woods in the middle of the night during a full moon. His clothes were ripped up and he looked like he was limping. It had to be from the werewolf transformation. I'm gonna get proof that he's a werewolf if it's the last thing I do.


"I need to borrow a camera." I asked Tyler as I walked into the yearbook room. Since Tyler was the only one on the team, the room was empty. That meant I can speak openly without worrying about sounding crazy. Tyler looked a little confused as I've never taken an interest in photography before.

"Uh, why do you need a camera?" He seemed to clutch the one he was holding a little tighter. I don't blame him because he treats the cameras like his baby. A part of me wants to find it strange but I'm on a werewolf hunt so I don't think I have the right to.

"I need it to prove that Zach is a werewolf." He gave me the 'Are you stupid look' and frankly im a little offended. How does no one else see anything strange or wolf like with him? There has to be something in the water making everyone blind or something. Luckily for me I'm constantly running on caffeine so I'm safe.

"Zach isn't a werewolf Alex. But, I will lend you a camera if you promise to take care of it. I also wanna see you prove yourself wrong so this is a great investment." He hands over the camera but not before telling me very detailed instructions on how to take care of it. Helicopter parents I'll tell you.


The long and boring football game finally came to a close. The Liberty high tigers took home the win according to the scoreboard. With Tyler's camera hanging around my neck I ran to my car. I made sure that my car is parked so I could see Zach's. All I need to do is wait for him to come out and drive to his wolf hiding spot. If he goes home then I'll just try another day. There's a knock on my window and Justin is standing there looking in. I press down on the button and lower the window.

"What are you doing here Justin?" He seems offended that I even asked him that. Like I'm the one in the wrong here, which I'm not. There's no reason he needs to be out my window, even if we're friends.

"One, I'm on the football team so I have to be here. Two, you never go to games so why are you here. I haven't seen Jess around so I know you're not with her. So I think the real question is what are you doing here?" He tilts his head to the side. Damn, I forgot that he's smart sometimes. He already knows about my concerns for Zach.

"I'm gonna prove once and for all that Zach is a werewolf." I life up the camera around my neck and Justin just raises a brow at me. I can feel his judgement emanating off of him.

"Justin!" A voice called out from behind him. I look around Justin and clay standing by his Prius a few yards away. He waved at me and I wave back. Justin taps the car before walking off. I roll the window back up and look at Zach's car that is currently pulling away. I quickly put mine in drive and follow after him. We drive for a little while until he pulls off into the woods. I pass by and drive down a few yards before making a u-turn and following back after him. I wanna make sure that he doesn't see me at all. I'm not sure if he'll be able to identify me by my car so I don't wanna take any chances.

I pulled down a dirt path surrounded by trees and went on until I saw Zach's car pulled over. I parked my car behind his and hopped out with the camera hung around my neck. I used my phone flashlight to safely walk down a path that led to who knows where. It's dark and windy and I hear things rustling in the bushes and that terrifies me. The path stretches on for a little while longer before opening up to reveal a lake. There's a bag, some clothes, and a pair of shoes by the shore. I grab the camera and pull it up to my eyes. With it, I scan around the area because it has a night vision feature, so I don't need the flashlight anymore. The sound of splashing to my right made me snap my body in that direction. In doing so I accidentally took a photo with the flash on. If Zach really is a werewolf in the water then I could be dead. Black hair starts to come out of the water and slowly rises up. I prepare myself to take a photo and run. As he emerges more I realize that he's not some hairy beast. In fact he's not hairy at all. He's just shirtless and only in his underwear. And he actually looks really... fine. And I don't mean fine as in alright, I mean fine as in fine. Even if he's not a werewolf he sure as hell is built like someone who is one.

"Alex? Alex is that you?" Zach walks up to his bag and grabs a towel. He begins to dry himself with it as he eyes me. "What are you doing here?" I realized that I had just been standing here like an idiot. Get it together Standall.

"Um, this is gonna sound crazy but just hear me out. But, I was trying to prove that you're a werewolf. Zach looks at me like I lost my mind. And you know what, maybe I have.

"You're right," For a split second I felt so happy. He said I'm right, so he is a werewolf. I knew it, no one is gonna doubt me ever again. "You do sound crazy." Okay maybe I celebrated too early. Now I feel deflated. But he has to be a werewolf. Theres so many unexplained things though.

"But, how are you not a werewolf? What about that time I saw you scale that fence with surprising speed?" I reasoned.

"I was in a race with Justin. And I'm also an athlete that does rock climbing for fun." Well, that makes a lot of sense actually. Damn, I should've thought of that. I still have one ace up my sleeve though. Something I'd like to see him try and dispute.

"What about that time I saw you leaving the woods during a full moon with ripped clothes?" Checkmate Zach Dempsey.

"I fell down a hill the first time I tried to find this lake and ended up going home. The fact that it was a full moon was just a coincidence."

"So you're telling me that I've been obsessing over this for nothing?" He looked a little sad for me. I really feel a little bit silly because I was so convinced that he was a werewolf. Of course Alex Standall had to be stupid again. God, the universe really doesn't like me does it? "I guess I'll just head home then, sorry to bother you." I turned around and started walking away. My hand fumbled in my pocket for my phone to use as a flashlight.

"Alex wait." I stop dead in my tracks and turn back around to him. The towel he has is now slung over his shoulder and he's looking directly at me. "You did all that work to get here, might as well stay a while." Zach grinned at me and it felt nice to have someone look at me like that. He probably doesn't mean it in the way I hope but it still feels good.

"Yeah, yeah I'll stay a while." His smile got even bigger and I smiled too. It must be contagious or something.

"Why don't you join me in the water?" Zach dropped the towel and ran back into the water. I set Tyler's camera down on Zach's bag to keep it safe while I stripped down. Normally I would feel conscious doing this but I feel safe with Zach around. Even if he's not some werewolf.

"Wait for me!"

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