Peter Parker x OC: Secret Identities

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(A/n): I think that was the longest single chapter story I've ever written. And I love it so much. I put a lot of effort into this one. Don't know why but I'm really proud. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do. Love you all!

Jay's POV

"Hurry the fuck up Peter!" I shout over my shoulder as I continue walking in the direction of Peter's house. He had stopped outside the school to keep talking to MJ, even after we said goodbye. When I started walking away, they started whispering to each other. I have no idea what they are talking about. They've been doing things like that for a while now. It makes me feel a little left out, to be honest. I wanna confront them about it, but I'm not sure it would go down too well. So I just keep my mouth shut and let them continue with their secrecy. Peter eventually catches up, most likely leaving MJ after realizing I'm not gonna stop for him. His Aunt May would let me in if I got there first anyway. "Took you long enough." I make sure the sarcasm is abundantly clear in my voice.

"Sorry, I was just talking to MJ about something. Forgive me." He made his puppy dog eyes at me.

"You know, it makes it really hard to be mad at you when you do stuff like that." He gives me a bright smile thinking he's won me over. I'm not gonna let him off that easy though. "It said it makes it hard, I didn't say impossible." His smile quickly turned into a frown.

"That's not fair, you can't do this to me!"

"Alright, I'll forgive you, if you tell me what you and Mj were talking about." He switches from sadness to shyness and embarrassment. His cheeks flush with a slight shade of pink. It's really cute.

"I'm sorry Jay, I can't. If I could I would! You know you're one of my best friends." He starts sounding really panicky and stressed.

"Peter, it's okay. You can tell me when you're ready. Or if you're never ready, that's okay too." I try not to look at him as we walk the rest of the way to his house. The cold autumn air makes me pull my jacket closer to myself. My nose starts to run and starts sniffling. I look over at Peter who seems relatively fine. Which makes sense. I was not built for the cold and obviously, he was. We walk through the bustling city and shuffle our way through the crowds of people. We eventually arrive at the row of apartments where Peter's building is. "Hey, Peter." He turns his whole body and starts walking sideways as he speaks to me.

"What's up?" He looks puzzled, as if unsure about what I'm gonna say next.

"I'll race you to your apartment." I don't even give him a chance before I take off. I run as fast as my legs will carry me. Then, the worst thing that could happen, happened. Peter, looks skinny under his sweaters Peter, zooms past me. I can feel the wind that he created. How is he so fast? This is Peter Parker we're talking about. How in the cinnamon toast hell is doing this. As I reach the bottom of the stairs inside the building. I see Peter already exiting on his floor. I figure that running would be useless at this point. Even though he was running much faster than me, there Is no way he ran all the way up these stairs. He lives on the 5th floor. Something fishy is going on here. And I'm gonna find out what or my name isn't Esteban Julió Ricardo Montoya de la Rosa Ramírez. It's not but whatever. When I reach his floor and peer down the hallway. Peter was gone, most likely already inside. I go up to his apartment door and open it.

"In here!" I hear Peter yell from the direction of his bedroom. I look around for May but she doesn't seem to be here. I go to Peter's room and he's sitting at his desk scribbling down on a sheet of paper, most likely a homework assignment.

"How the hell did you get up the stairs so fast?" He turns slowly and his face looks like he's trying to conceal his nervousness. Peter was never good at lying though. His eyes shift everywhere but mine to avoid meeting my gaze.

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