Arrowverse: Take Barry's Phone

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TimelineWrecker: Barry Allen

BowBoy: Oliver Queen

Alien: Kara Danvers

Elsa: Caitlin Snow

FeelTheVibe: Cisco Ramon

UndeadAssassin: Sara Lance

Rayofhappiness: Ray Palmer

DrunkArsonist: Mick Rory

HardHead: Nate Heywood

AnimalWhisperer: Amaya Jiwe

WindBitch: Zara Tomaz

FasterThanYou: Wally West

Just for context, the names can change throughout the fic.

TimelineWreaker has added BowBoy, Alien, and 9 others to a group

TimelineWreaker changed the chat name to "Super friends"

TimelineWreaker: Welcome... to your new hell

BowBoy: Barry, what have you done.

UndeadAssassin: ew ollie y do u txt with proper grammar

Alien: Sarah your gonna make him blow a gasket

UndeadAssassin: you're*

BowBoy: So, you choose to type that atrocity then have the NERVE to correct Kara?

FeelTheVibe: This chat has been active for less than 5 minutes and there is already drama

FasterThanYou: Barry has too much chaotic energy for his own good

TimelineWreaker: Wallace Rudolph West I know YOU are not talking about chaotic energy

TimelineWreaker: Mr. I used to drag race and touched a magic rock to get powers

FasterThanYou: ...

Elsa: This is why I get out of bed in the morning

UndeadAssassin: N E WAYS we broke the timeline again :/

TimelineWreaker: And you guys say I always wreck the timeline

HardHead: Yeah but we fix our messes

FeelTheVibe: They've got you there Barry

TimelineWreaker: (╥_╥)

WindBitch: What in the Argus is this?


AnimalWhisperer: This is a group chat

WindBitch: Amaya I know what it is, but why are we here?

TimelineWreaker: Because I was bored and I wanted to talk to my friends

Rayofhappiness: Hey everyone! I hope you're all doing well :)

DrunkArsonist: Haircut is way to happy to be here

HardHead: I'm surprised Mick actually responded

DrunkArsonist: I need a beer

Rayofhappiness: Well there goes Mick

Alien: Can I just...

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