Victor Salazar x Benji Campbell: Cuddles

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Benji's POV

As Victor walks away from Derek and me, I know what I have to do. When Derek and I first started dating, it was really good. He was so kind and passionate and loving towards me. As time went on, he became less caring. More focusing on himself than me. He started to belittle me and make what I love seen less important than whatever he cared about. Which obviously is no longer me.

"I wanna break-up." The words leave my mouth before I can even think about changing my decision. And honestly, I don't think I want to.

"What?" I hear him say. I turn around and look him straight in the eyes. I can see that he was completely blindsided by my decision. "What do you mean you wanna break up?" His tone and face changed from sadness and confusion to anger. His eyebrows furrow in displeasure, but his eyes show that he's actually hurt.

"I mean I can't be with you anymore Derek." He tries to butt in but I stop him. This is my time to speak up. "I can't be with someone who makes me feel less than what I am. I made you a whole recreation of our first date for our anniversary, and you basically told me with dumb and meaningless. "I make sure I show no form of hesitation so he doesn't have anything to use against me.

"Look, I'm sorry, but we don't have to break up." I had my arms crossed over my chest. He reaches out to touch my arm, but I quickly move back. He takes the hint and drops his arm back down to his side. He breathes out a deep sigh. "Please don't leave me, Benji. I'll do anything." My face softens. I see a glimmer of hope appear in his eyes.

"No Derek, you've said that before. I'm done for good." I turn and walk away. I make my way through the front doors of the school. I see Victor sitting alone on a bench. I slowly approach him until he can see me.


"Hey." I take a seat at a fair distance away from him. So I don't spook him. I lock eyes with him and I feel this warmth wash over me. But I also feel guilty. For pulling away from him and almost leaving him behind. Because he means so much to me, even if it's just as a friend. "We broke up," I say plainly. I see his face and eyes filled with guilt. It breaks my heart.

"Benji I-i'm so sorry. I never meant for any of this-" I cut him off to put him out of his misery.

"No, no." I broke up with him." I see the tension leave his body and he lets out a relieved sigh. I can see that he's in deep thought. Wondering if he should ask something.

"Why?" He lets out after a second. I consider my response. This is my chance to back out. My last opportunity to getaway. To just stay friends with Victor. But that's not what I want. I want him.

"Something's been off with us for a while. He makes me feel bad a lot of the time. About the stuff I do. About being a romantic" I draw in a deep breath to keep myself calm. I always run when I'm scared. I'm not doing that this time. "I wanna be with someone who doesn't make me feel anxious all the time. You know, someone who makes me feel like I can be myself, and that's enough. That's how you make me feel Victor. I know he feels the same. He has to. He kissed me in the hotel room. I know that some part of him wants to be with me. But even my thoughts of reassurance don't calm the rapid beating of my heart. He stares at me with wide eyes. He hangs his head down and lets out a chuckle. He pulls his head back up and we lock eyes again.

"That's... that's how you make me feel too." My eyes continuously shift from his lips to his eyes. Our faces slowly get closer together. I stop just before his lips touch mine. I can feel his heavy breaths against my face. I finally connect our lips and it feels fantastic. Better than anything I've felt. It took him a second to get the proper hang of it, but once he did. It got so much better. It was like his lips were meant to be with mine. We separate and we're both panting. "Wow."

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