Julie And The Phantoms: Luke Patterson x Reggie: Panic Attacks

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(A/N): I really wanted to write something Julie and the Phantoms related. This is what I came up with. Hope you enjoy it. Peace.

Luke's POV

"Come on Alex, get your head in the game!" I raise my voice subconsciously. We were practicing a set when Alex went off again with his aggressive and wild drum banging. "Whatever it is you're going through, you need to figure it." That may have been a little harsh, but I'm way too heated to care at the moment. He needs to focus on music.

"Alright, dude I get it!" He snapped back with fire in his voice. He stands up from his seat and clutches his drumsticks in his hands.

"This is the third time in an hour!" I'm not just gonna let him off the hook. He needs to understand that this is Important. Our music is our whole career.

"I get it, I'm sorry."

"I don't think you do get it. Without our music we're nothing. You need to get your act together." His anger seems to flare up at that.

"You don't think I know that! This is just as important to me as it is to you and Reggie and Julie!"

"Really?! Because it doesn't look like it from where I'm sta-"

"GUYS!" Julie's shooting catches both of our attention. I turn to her and she's sitting next to a quivering Reggie in the corner. He was facing the wall with his knees pulled to his chest. His body rocking in a slight back and forth motion. Alex and I rush over to his side. I feel all my anger dissipate and leave my body. It's an empty spot now filled with sadness, concern, and disappointment. Disappointment in myself for not keeping my anger in check. For not remembering how Reggie reacts to loud fighting and screaming. And for letting him get this bad.

"Reggie, I am so so so sorry. I-I-I should've paid more attention" I was speaking so fast I wasn't even sure he would be able to understand me.

"I'm sorry to Reg, we didn't mean for any of this to happen." We both wrap him in our arms and whisper reassurances into his ear. None of it helps though. He keeps shaking and whispering I'm sorry. I turn to Julie who's been watching us from the couch the entire time. I give her a look hoping that she'll understand that I want her to give us a little time. She nods at me and walks out of the studio. I turn all my attention back to Reggie. I stand up and pull him up with me. Alex and I lead him to the couch. We continue our futile efforts to soothe his panicking, but nothing is working. He just keeps shaking his head and apologizing for being useless, a burden, and other things.

"Reggie stop, you're not a burden or a screw-up to us. You're our friend. We love you!" Alex said persistently. Sadly, it still had no effect on his condition. He just kept going on with his apologizing. This one was bad. Usually, we're able to calm him down and bring him back by now. Alex and I did get really heated though. God, I should've known better.

"Hey Alex," He whips his head to me. His hair messing up in the process. Not like he cares though. "Can you give me some time alone with Reggie?" He gets ready to protest. To say that he's his friend too. That he wants, NEEDS to be here. And he has every right too. "Please," I beg. He gives me a stern look before letting out a deep sigh.

"Okay." He takes his arms from around Reggie. He slowly gets off the couch and stretches. He looks back at me and I nod. He drops his shoulders and poofs out. I pull Reggie closer to me. "It's gonna be okay Reggie. I forgive you." This time is different. He lifts his head up and looks me in the eyes.

"Y-you do?" His voice sounded broken. Most likely from all the crying. It physically hurt me to see him like this.

"Of course Reg, I'll always forgive you. You mean so much to me. More than you'll ever know. And I'm so sorry for fighting and screaming in front of you. I didn't want any of this to happen to you." He shuffled closer to me, pressing his head into my chest. I squeeze him a little tighter, hoping that it'll protect him. Keep him safe from all the wrong in the world. I know it's unrealistic, but I just wanna keep him away from all the bad, so no one can take away his caring, loving, and beautiful heart. I suddenly feel a warm pair of lips plant a soft kiss on my cheek. I feel my eyes almost bulge out of my head. I stare down at him and he looks back at me with his deep brown eyes. "W-why would y-you do that?"

"It's what you do with the things you love." He closes his eyes. I take a chance and lay a kiss on his lips. Now his eyes almost pop out of his eyes. He starts stuttering madly. I press my finger against his mouth to silence him

"I guess I'm in love."

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