Luke / Reggie: Luke has Bad Handwriting

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Reggie's POV

God, he's back again. He really has the nerve to show his face back here. The second I saw him walk in, I removed myself and went to the back room. I feel bad for leaving Flynn in the front alone but I don't wanna see him. Luke Patterson. He's here with his friends Julie and Bobby. They're actually pretty nice, and Luke was too. Until he ghosted me.


I wiped down the counter as I waited for another customer to come. I'm working the register while Flynn makes the food and drinks. We switch throughout the day. The bell dinged above the door and I went to stand in front of the register. A lady with a terrible blonde dye job walks up to the counter. She's typing something out on her phone and paying no attention to me.

"Welcome to Toussaint coffee shop, what can I get for you?" She gives me a dirty look like I just insulted her mother or something. I could tell from the moment I saw her that she was gonna be a problem.

"Latte with two shots of espresso." I see that manners are something this woman never learned. I hate serving people like this but I have to. I ring her up and tell her the total. She just drops some crumpled-up bills on the counter without looking up. I take the money and ring her up. When I asked for her name she just responded "Sarah". I have the cup and order for Flynn. The lady moved off to the side to wait for her drink. Flynn made it quickly because she's just like that and handed it to the lady. She took a sip and made the same disgusted face. Her phone finally went in her purse when she stormed up to me. "This is fucking disgusting."

"Ma'am I'm sorry-" She went to remove the lid and I already knew what was about to happen. Hot coffee to the face.

"Don't you fucking dare lady!" Flynn shouted from somewhere to my right. Before the crazy lady could throw it a hand stopped her. They took the cup from the lady's hand and threw it in the nearby trash. Some of the coffee spilled on the floor but that's much better than in the face. "Get the fuck out of here and stop trying to assault the workers. You're lucky I don't call the authorities." His voice was deep and authoritative. And if I'm being frank, kind of hot. The lady left and felt myself finally being able to breathe properly. "Thank you for helping me, sir," I said to the rather attractive boy that just saved the day.

"It was no problem. That lady was an ass and I wasn't just gonna let someone as cute as you suffer." Oh, this guy is a smooth talker, I like that. And he is just wow. He has taught me that more people need to not wear sleeves. His arms are absolutely humungous.

"Well thank you, if it weren't for you then I would be in a lot of pain and Flynn would have jumped over the counter to fight that lady. Not something that would need to happen. What's your order? Whatever it is, it's on the house. A thank you for saving me." I smiled and he did too. His smile seemed much better though.

"I'll take a caramel iced coffee if you please." I put the order in and closed the register when the drawer opened. I took the printed sticker and stuck it to the cup to give to Flynn, who has been quietly observing since...

"I'm sorry what's your name?"

"My name is Luke." Luke. His name is Luke. Flynn has been quietly watching since Luke came up. I wrote his name on the cup and gave it to my best friend/co-worker. She smirked and started to prepare the drink. Luke moved away from the counter after giving me a wink. Another customer stepped up and I continued my job. When Luke's order got called up he grabbed his drink and left a napkin in front of me. It had his phone number and a smiley face on it. It looked a little weird but it was legible.


He hasn't been back here since that last time. I tried to text him multiple times and got nothing back. I double-checked the number he gave me and I swear that it says what I put. There's no reason that he couldn't have seen them. It's been about 2 minutes and Flynn opened the door to the backroom.

"He's asking to talk to you, Reggie. He said that he saw you come in here." I groan in frustration and prepare myself for this conversation. I plastered on my best customer service smile and walk back up to the register. Luke smiled when he saw me walk up. God, it was a pretty smile. Too bad the person it's attached to isn't that great.

"Hi Reggie, how are you doing?" So he has the gall to curve my messages then come here and ask me how I am? Not cool, not cool at all.

"I'm good, may I take your order?" He seems a little hurt by my lack of care. Too bad, he deserves it.

"Did I do something wrong?" Did he- did he do something wrong?! I swear I have never felt more hurt and upset in my life. And my parents are terrible people so that's saying a lot.

"You know what? You did do something wrong. I texted you multiple times and got absolutely no response whatsoever. Then you come in here acting all nice as if nothing happened." I was close to tears at this point and it was hard to keep myself from yelling and causing a scene. In fact, I'm surprised I didn't at all.

"What are you talking about? You never texted me. I've been waiting and I got nothing. And it's not like I could text you because I never got your number." What the hell is he talking about? I texted him, a lot. I pulled out my phone and showed him the messages I sent. "That's not my number." Wait, what? I checked the napkin and I'm sure that's what it said. The napkin is still in the pocket of my apron so I show it to him.

"That's what you wrote down." A smirk appears on his face and I really wanna slap it off. Too bad I'm a pacifist.

"Uh, sorry, I have really bad handwriting. Alex, Julie, and Bobby make fun of me all the time. You probably weren't able to read it properly. So this is all really my fault." So Luke doesn't hate me? Thank god because I was so heartbroken. No one has ever asked me out before or even taken an interest in me. He was the first. So when he never answered, it really hurt.

"So, do you wanna start over? This time you can just put your number in my phone." I hand my phone to him.

"I would like that." He puts his number in and gives it back. I type out a message and send it to him

Me: Hi :)

He pulls out his phone and smiles brightly before responding.

Luke: Hey :)

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