Chase / Kaz: Pillow Fort

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Chase's POV

I forget that I live with actual children. I can't even leave them home alone for an hour without something happening. As soon as I entered the penthouse I saw it. The couches hand been moved away (most likely by Oliver and Skyler) and replaced by a tent hanging from the ceiling. The circular monstrosity draped onto the floor and the entrance was closed.

"What is this," I called out. I'm not exactly sure who's in there and I don't feel like using my bionics to check. I didn't have to wait too long for an answer because the rest of the team stuck their heads out of the flap that I guess is considered a door. It doesn't have a zipper or anything so a slight breeze can blow it open. It sort of resembles a circus tent with how they open. They were all one on top of another which is kinda strange.

"This is our fort and only nice people are allowed," Skyler answered. What is he talking about? I'm very nice. I'm probably the nicest person here. Okay, that may not be true but who cares.

"Just make sure Adam doesn't see this when he comes over. He will absolutely freak out. Matter of fact, leave it up. It'll keep him distracted." I like to make fun of Adam but it's not his fault actually. He's got dyslexia and dyssemia. Basically reading is more difficult for him and he has trouble with understanding non-verbal cues and communication. We like to say he's dumb but in all actuality, he's trying his best. And we don't tell him this often, but we're proud of him. He has really been working hard at the academy. Not only with the student but also with himself.

"Wait, Adam as in your brother Adam?" Oliver pipped up with a squeak. Since Skylar and Bree got together, along with me and Kaz, Oliver is the only single one. And he happened to take quite a liking to my brother Adam. Before he would obsess over Skylar because she was his idol/celebrity crush. Now, he's more chill about his crush on Adam. Still awkward but less obsessive.

"Yes, my brother Adam. Now, who's gonna help me make dinner?" I wasn't going to cook a full course meal for 6 on my own. Not when I have all of them here doing nothing. Most of them said 'Not it' followed by someone swearing. Oliver joined me in the kitchen so I'm guessing he lost. Makes sense, he was never the fastest with that.

We both work together to make dinner. I had bought all of the ingredients to make a simple meal of spaghetti and meatballs. That should satisfy all of them. The others stayed in the tent until a knock sounded from the door. Oliver dropped what he was doing and bolted to the door. Maybe he is still a little obsessive. Or it could just be excitement. Knowing Oliver there's no way to tell. He makes sure his clothes are clean before swinging the door open. Adam is standing there with his duffle bag and a dopey smile on his face. I can't see Oliver's face but I bet he's smiling too. Adam dropped his bag and wrapped Oliver in a bone-crushing hug. If it wasn't for his super strength, I'm sure that Oliver would snap like a twig. Adam hugs hard. I think he fractured one of my ribs once. Everyone got out of the tent to greet him but as soon as he saw it, he ran inside. They all pilled back in until Kaz got out and came over to join me.

"Need any help, honey." He leaned over the counter and gave me a peck on the lips. I know what game he's playing at though.

"Did you get excommunicated from the tent?" I raised an eyebrow and his shoulders lowered.

"Yeah. But, now I can help you out. Isn't that great?" He said it with his best customer service smile.

"That would be if the only thing I had left was to boil the pasta," I said as I dropped the spaghetti in the water. He gave me a disappointed look before brightening up again.

"That means that now you have time to come into the fort now." Kaz took my hand in his and pulled me toward the monstrosity. He held the flap open like a gentleman. It seems very spacious here. Like, more spacious than it should be. I don't wanna know what kind of space magic they used to pull this off. Bree and Skylar sat next to each other in a mound of pillows and blankets. Adam had his head in Oliver's lap as they all discussed how the team was formed. Bree got to finally show Adam her superpowers. I don't even want to get into the logistics of how weird that is. Kaz and I joined the piles of blankets and engaged in the conversation. Well, I tried to at least. He kept trying to distract me by kissing me. He even succeeded at one point, but I had to go get the food plated.

As soon as it was done I separated it all onto plates (with extra for Adam) and put it on our dining room table. I called everyone out and they all came rushing out. Bree and Skylar used their super speed and appeared seated at the table. The other three came barreling out before settling into their seats. I took my seat next to Kaz and gave him a kiss on the cheek before beginning to eat. Light conversation flowed throughout the dinner table. When we finished I loaded all the plates and utensils into the dishwasher and joined the others back in the fort. We left the flaps open and had a cuddle pile while watching a movie on the TV.

"I love you," Kaz whispered to me. We had never used said that to each other before. But, I didn't realize how much I wanted to hear it until he said it.

"I love you too." I leaned in and our lips met once again.

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