Peter Parker / Percy Jackson: Battle of the Myths

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When Peter had met Percy, he was just exploring out of boredom. He was walking along because he had nothing but time to kill. Mr. Stark had Peter join him on a mission in New Jersey. Peter had time before he had to actually do the mission, so he chose to explore. It wasn't the worst place he'd ever been in; it was actually pretty homey. He didn't know what it was, but it just felt comfortable there.

That was until his spider-sense started up. Peter quickly looked around his surroundings and it took him a minute to realize he wasn't in any immediate danger. He glanced at the building next to him called "Aunty Em's Gnome Emporium". His senses confirmed this is where the danger was coming from. Peter ran into the closest alley and changed into his Spiderman suit. Once, completed he quietly entered the building to find the reason for his tingle.

The building was deathly still. There was no one behind the counter and the whole place seemed unsettling. An air of unease resided throughout the whole property. Spider-man climbed up the wall in order to avoid being seen by any potential threats. After all, why would his Peter tinkle warn him if there was no danger to be found. The next room over was filled with a variety of statues and plants. Since he was along the ceiling, Peter got a clear view of something resembling a lady stalking around with snakes on her head.

"Come out Percy, there's no need to hide. Just let me get a good look at you and your friends and your quest can come to an end. You won't have to worry about the gods or any of their issues. You can Rest in Peace." Percy? Whoever that was needed his help. This snake lady didn't exactly seem like the heroic type. So, Peter crawled along the ceiling until he could see her eyes. He shot a web over them so she couldn't see anymore. The lady shrieked and began to tear the webbing off of her face. Before Peter could do anything, a boy ran out and chopped the lady's head off with a sword. Peter leaps down from the ceiling to confront the boy.

"What was that thing?" The boy, who Peter is assuming is Percy, jumps out of fear and draws his sword in a combat position. Instinctively, Peter raises his hands in a disarming manner to calm the boy down. "Woah calm down there Percy sir. I'm not here to do you any harm. I helped you out by covering her eyes." Percy eyes him suspiciously.

"Wait a minute, you're Spider-man. What are you doing in New Jersey?" Peter couldn't exactly tell him they were looking for Thor & Loki because they got a lead on them. So, he just holds most of the classified info back.

"I'm on here for an important mission. And judging by the looks of it, it seems like you are too." Two more kids come out from hiding. One has goat legs and the other seems like a normal girl. But seeing that they just killed a snake lady, who actually resembles the Greek monster Medusa, he doesn't think any of them are normal. Not when Percy just turned his sword into a pen.

"That's amazing! How did you do that? Is your sword constructed from density-changing nanobots? If so, how do you get the regulator to quit shifting wei-" Percy cut him off because he had no clue what Spider-man was talking about. He heard nothing but gibberish. He just started getting into divine powers and magic, he didn't have enough mental capacity for science too.

"Please slow down. The pen is magical, not scientific. I have no idea how to begin to describe how it works. By the way, to formally introduce myself, I'm Percy Jackson. That is my friend Annabeth-" He points to the curly-haired blonde girl. "and that is my friend Grover." He moves to point to the dark-skinned boy with small horns. And the goat. Percy leans in closely to Peter's ear. "He's a Satyr but I still don't know what the hell it means. It's better for me to just pretend I do." Percy winks at him and Peter feels something flutter in his stomach. He chose to ignore it in favor of questioning them about whatever they were doing.

They explained their origins and how they're all half human - half some other Greek being. If Peter wasn't going to look for two Norse gods in a few hours, he wasn't sure if he'd believe them. But he was and they don't seem like the lying type. At least his spicy sense isn't going off; that would've been a big red flag. They all joke around for a bit before the three have to continue their quest and Peter has to go to his rendezvous point with Tony. Percy gave Peter one last smile that had Peter blushing under his mask. He had been smitten for a demigod.


So, as it turns out, Thor didn't believe in the Greek gods. He'd always thought it was a load of bull that humans made up. When Percy explained that he was really a direct descendant of the god of the sea Poseidon and not Rán. He had to summon a trident. A Trident, for Thor to believe him. And though they thought that would be the end of it, it wasn't. You see, Thor wanted to fight Percy to prove himself stronger. (Why a god would feel the need to prove themselves to a Demi-god was beyond Peter) Loki had tried to convince his brother to let it go with no avail. To be honest, Loki didn't really care all that much and would enjoy seeing the fight. The only reason he tried to put a stop to it is because Peter had asked him to. Loki would never admit it to anyone without stabbing them after, but he had a soft spot for the little spider boy. Everyone did, to be honest. He was just so wholesome.

Thor also had a soft spot for Peter, but even that wouldn't stop his fight campaign. Peter had resorted to puppy eyes, the last resort, but even that wasn't enough. Peter was floored that Thor was this dedicated to this useless battle. Percy was one of his best friends and he didn't wanna see him get hurt.

"I don't understand it at all Percy. How do I always manage to get myself into these situations? Is it something with me or is everyone around me just crazy? Like I know the Avengers are just insane because I spend every day with them, but seriously? Fighting my friends? Maybe if I bribe him with popt-" Percy cut him off because Peter was rambling and Peter hates when he rambles because he thinks he's so annoying. Percy actually found it adorably cute, but Peter didn't have to know that. Actually, the secrets those two had between them were only about each other. After Spider-man's identity reveal, they shared practically everything with each other. Except for the secrets the other really needed to know, I.e., their crushes on each other.

"Peter calm down, chill out, you're stressing yourself out. There's a simple solution to this issue. We just have to employ help from the one person Thor can't say no to." Percy looked so sure of his plan that Peter had no choice but to believe in him. After all, when had Percy ever given him a reason to doubt him?


"You're not fighting a child Thor." Natasha said with such a stern voice that it left no room for arguments. There was a finality in the way she spoke. Thor pouted and tried to put up a fight.

"But Widow-" She glared at him and he shut his mouth very quickly.

"You're not fighting Percy. Peter would like his boyfriend in one piece." Peter open gawked from behind her. His boyfriend? He had never told her that. Nat smirked but Peter didn't see it because he was too busy panicking.

"Okay, not fighting the demigod." He walked off sadly and sulked by his brother. Nat turned and smiled at the two kids. "Problem solved. Have fun you two love birds." She winked at Percy and went to go talk with Cap and Bucky. Peter turned to his friend who was smiling innocently at him.

"How did you know that would work? And what did she mean when she called us a couple? Answer me you H20 Mermaid." Peter shook his shoulders violently.

"First of all, stop shaking me." Peter ceased but kept his hands-on Percy's shoulders. "Okay, firstly, I knew it would work because there's no way Thor was going to risk getting on Nat's bad side. Secondly, I think she's talking about the crush I have on you." Peter was confused and relieved at the same time. His feelings had been returned and he was ecstatic. The only issue was he was still awkward. He went to lean in to kiss him, but he somehow lost balance and fell over. A boy with super senses and super reflexes tripped because he was nervous. Mj would be cackling if she were here. There's no way she would ever let Peter hear the end of it.

"Peter why can't you be a functional human being for once?"

"Do not speak to me. I don't wanna hear it from you."

"Anyway, do you wanna be my boyfriend?" Percy made no move to help Peter off the ground.

"Yeah." Idiots should not be allowed to date.

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