XIX. Found His Mate

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My parents came back on Saturday night with a suitcase of souvenirs.

When they went to bed, I sneak up to the attic to show Kai all of the souvenirs. He loves all the items, especially the oversized panda. I let him keep it near his small mattress.

Since we can't put too many lights in the attic, we hung a bunch of Christmas lights and a small lamp. Above the attic was a large window that we hid with two wood-like doors that fit with the roof. But, if Kai wants, he can open it and look at the sky.

To make it feel a bit brighter, I gave more of my childhood stuffed animal and a giant bean bag. We put out the comic books on the old re-painted shelf with more lights around it.

I found an old rug in the spare room and put it in the center of the room with more toys.

While we were cleaning the attic, I found out there are three entrances. One is the large window above. The second entrance is from my bedroom. And the third one is above the main hallway.

The second installment of lights blocks the main hallway entrance. I've always thought it was weird how there were two sets of lights in the hallway but never thought much about it. Usually, a hallway has only one light.

While Kai was reading his comic books, I cleaned a bit more of the closet-like furniture. I'm planning to bring more of my old clothes up here - the ones that aren't a dress.

But, my dresses are pretty warm. I went through a dress phase for a year, so my parents were forced to purchase thick warm dresses and leggings.

"Is it okay for you to leave this here?" He shows me the tablet.

I smile, "I have my laptop."

I move from the top of the closet towards the bottom. When I wipe the bottom, I feel a light spring. "Weird," I mumbled. I pat the bottom a few times before I move towards the edge. It won't open. I feel the bottom with my hands for a line. When I find it, I grab the flashlight and shine on the spot. My fingernails dig deep into the edge, but I couldn't get it to open.

"What's wrong?" Kai asks.

"Here. Hold this." I hand Kai the flashlight. He shines it at the spot I'm trying to pry open. I grab a pair of scissors and push them into the edge. One millimeter at a time, the edge cracked open until a dark square made its appearance. I grab the light from Kai and shine it closer to see a box.

"Oooh," he says. "What's in there?"

"Hopefully not a head," I mumbled underneath my breath as I inspected the old wooden box. I gave the flashlight back to Kai before I dug my hands into the center. Demons' hands or scary whispers didn't appear, so I take that as a good sign. I place the dusty box down, and with the same scissors, I pry open the locks. I didn't pry it open. I smack the scissors against the lock. It didn't work, and my scissors broke. I exhale a sharp breath before I grab something hard from the corner and smack the lock a few times. It's a good thing I have a history of making noises upstairs.

My parents are probably thinking: Not this shit again.

Once the lock broke, I removed the chains. Kai squatted beside me with a curious look on his face. I had a different feeling, much more cautious emotions. Steadily, I lift the box to see a bunch of papers.

"Boring," I grumbled. It must be old letters from whoever lives here before us or maybe my grandparents. I grab the layers of paper and swipe through it. They were all love letters.

Soon, Kai got bored and went back to reading comic books.

Now, I wish a demon had appeared and cursed us. At least it will make this night much more interesting.

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