chapter 7

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I can barely sleep last night because of all the noise in the basement. "Cares about me getting sleep" cares about me getting sleep my ass. I should've continued working. I know that Glitch trap is probably making the remnant down there but he needs to keep the noise down for fucks sakes.

I take a sip of my coffee as i hear footsteps coming towards me.

"Dear, guess what?"

I sigh after realizing that it's just him.

"What now.."

"I have finally finished the remnant!"

"Oh gee yay.."

"Now now why aren't you happy? I spent such a long time making this"

"I didn't get sleep last night."

"Oh sorry did the noise bothered you last night?"

"What do you think?" I said as i glared at him.

"You know what forget that,now you can finally be immortal my dear"

I placed the coffee on the counter as i feel a bit hesitant on this.

"Is it even gonna work?"

"Of course it is! i tested it on a bunny last night. I injected the remnant into the bunny and i killed it. After a few minutes it came back to life and acted as if it never died"

"What happened to the bunny? Don't tell me i have a dead animal in my basement right now."

"Don't worry i released it back into the forest where it belongs"

"It's ironic that you are experimenting on your own kind"

"What do you mean-....oh. Haha funny. Now can we just inject it into you? I've been working on this all night"

"Fine whatever..let's just do this."

He gets a syringe out of his pocket that is filled with purple liquid. That must be what the remnant looks like. The color of it looks so..mesmerizing.

"Im going to inject it into your stomach and after that you will probably pass out for a few minutes or hours. And will also feel pain too"

"Oh"is all that came out of my mouth after hearing that.

"Well you ready?"he said as he crouched down.

"Y-yeah i guess.."

"Alright dear."

After he said that he lifts my shirt up and injects the liquid into my body.
I notice a small tint of purple on his cheeks as he continues to inject the stuff into me. He got the syringe out of my stomach and stops lifting my shirt.

"There done.."

He gets up and places the syringe back into his pocket. At first i didn't feel anything. But then i soon started feeling immense pain all over my body as i leaned on the counter for support.

It feels like my whole body is burning!

"Fuck! Fuck! Why does it hurt so much!?"

"I know i know..I'm sorry William. But it's part of the process."

I let out a blood curdling scream as i kneel down because of the pain. Glitch trap kneels next to me as he embraces me into a hug. It's surprising but I'm in too much pain to give a fuck.

"It hurts so fucking much.."

"I know i know..but don't worry it will be over soon.."

My vision starts to blur and the last thing i heard was

"Just go to sleep Will.."

(Haha creepypasta reference)
(Shut up you cringe Jeff the killer simp mf -13 year old me)

My eyes starts to open slowly as i groan in pain. My body hurts for some reason and my head is pounding. What the hell happened..?

Then i remember everything that happened. He injected the remnant into my body...
Does that mean....I'm immortal now?
Then that's when i notice my arms.
My veins..they are purple and it's glowing..

"What the fuck.."

I get up from my bed and gets out of my bedroom. I go straight to the kitchen and sees Glitchtrap leaning against the counter sipping some coffee.


"Well hello sleeping beauty. How was your sleep? But most importantly how do you feel?"

"Like shit."

"Eh thats normal i suppose."

"Okay..but how am I supposed to know if the remnant works-"

His sentence gets cut off as i slash the knife at his arm.

"What the fuck!? what was that for you asshole!?" He yelled as he holds his bleeding arm.

"Just look closely at your arm."

He winced at the pain but did what I told him to do. The blood on his wound starts to turn purple and the wound itself starts to heal rather quickly.


"it worked my dear! I truly am a genius!"

"I guess it does.."

"Ah that your immortal..can i stab you?"

"Fuck no! i may be immortal but when you slashed my arm i still felt pain and my arm hurts like shit."

I do feel bad a little for hurting him. But then again i don't.

"Well does it still hurt?"

" feels like nothing had happened to it"

"That's nice to hear but..are you going to say something to me?"

"Say what?"

"Oh i don't know about a kiss on the cheek and a thank you?"

"What!? No! I'm not kissing you on the cheek!"

"Well then how about a kiss on the lips?"

"I- wha- fuck! Fine! Come here you asshole. I'll give you only a kiss on the cheek."

"Good enough for me my dear"

I teleport a blind fold on my hand before tying it around his head so he won't be able to see. I turn into my human form before slightly leaning down to his level so he could kiss my cheek.

"God i can't see anything. Where the hell are you?" He reaches out trying to find me. I smile as i hold his hand to let him know I'm here.

"Right here dear"

His hand touches my face before he kisses my cheek which i can't help but smile even more. I stand straight (*cough* gay *cough*) again but my hand remains holding his hand.

My hands move to his face as i admire his beautiful facial features. My eyes stare at his lips and the urge to kiss him is strong but i fight against it. I don't want him to panic like last time. Oh my sweet William..i wish we could kiss like we did back then..

We stayed in the same position for a while before he pushes me away. I frown sadly but i quickly turn back to Glitchtrap as he starts to take his blind fold off.

"There. Is that enough for you?"

"Hm not quite. Where's my thank you?"

He rolled his eyes before saying

"Thanks i guess."

"No problem dear! Now i want to test the remnant on something else"

"Isn't testing on the bunny and me enough for you?"

"Not really..i want to test it on a animatronic"

" long as you don't break one of them,I'm good"

I gave him a thumbs up before teleporting away.

(This is rewrite)

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