chapter 9

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I went inside the building and as always the sounds of children and the sight of the animatronics performing on stage greets me. I just go into my office  without greeting any of the employees and starts doing paperwork.

Then a knock came at the door.

"Come in"

A woman with short blonde hair went in and she looks annoyed as hell. That haircut looks like it's been done by a five year old. Even my dead son can give someone a better haircut than whatever that woman has on her head..

"..How can i help you?"

"I'm here to complain about something"

Well this won't be a good conversation.

"And that is?"

"The bear animatronic just made my son cry! it doesn't look too family friendly!the chicken and the bunny is fine but i want the bear to be removed from the stage!"

Great. I sigh as i pinch the bridge of my nose.

"First of all it's not my problem if your child doesn't like the one of the animatronics and second, i am not going to remove the animatronic from the stage just because of that reason.
"What!? you can't just let it perform on stage!"

"You can't tell me what to do lady, now why don't you get out of my office before i drag you out myself."

"How rude! This is not how you talk to your customer!"

"I can talk however i please with you. Now get the fuck out before i call security."

"Ugh! Don't expect me and my son to come back here ever again!"

"Good. Never come back please."

She storms out of my office, slamming the door close on her way out.

Once i heard her footsteps fade away, i open one of the drawers in my desk and i pick up a pocket knife that has been in my drawer for years. The urge..
The urge to kill someone is strong.
I know there's a chance i might get caught but i need something to relieve my stress. Ever since that day when me and Glitchtrap killed those five innocent children, the need to kill more people just kept growing.

I get up from my chair and go to the parts and service room. Once i got there, i find the springbonnie suit and put the parts on one by one. After i put all them on, i begin to head to the party room where most of the children could be.
But this time it's different..
There's only one child in the room..

I approach one of the tables where a child sits alone. It's a little boy with hazel hair and brown eyes.

"Hello there little guy!"

He looks at me before excitement can be shown all over his face.

"Why are you sitting here all alone?"

His smile drops before he gets a small notebook out and starts writing on it.
After he is done he shows me what he wrote.

'the other children don't want to play with me,they think that I'm not normal'

I now realize that the child must be mute.

"Can you talk?"

He shakes his head and continues to write on his notebook again.

'no i can't, mommy said i can't speak and never will'

Oh shit now i feel bad-
I may be murderer but i sometimes have a soft spot for children. An odd thing i know. I only like the ones that aren't annoying and bratty.
(No William is not a pedophile and never will be)

"Well do you want some pizza? It you want i can get them for you"

He writes on his notebook again before showing me.


"Of course! stay here and I'll grab some just for you"


I lay there comfortably on William's bed. I flip through the pages of the book i found on a shelf. Then the memory of me kissing William's lips starts to play in my mind. His soft lips made contact with mine, i remember how his lips tasted like black coffee.

But my dear William would never know how much that kiss meant to me. I let out a sigh as i start to get bored and closes the book. I put it on the bedside table and teleports to the living room.

I sit on the couch and turns on the TV.
I went to the news channel like always since i don't know what else to watch.
The news talked about murder in the pizzeria last week.

But it's weird though..
I haven't went killing on that place in awhile.
So i wasn't the one doing all of the murder there..
It could just be a random murderer..
I shrugged and continued to watch it.


The boy smiles as i told him another joke that i found dumb whenever i tell it to myself. Oh i found out that his name is Danny and he only has a mother.
I couldn't kill him..
He is too adorable.
He reminds me of..
(Ah if only you know about your cannon self,he is absolutely cruel and heartless....but he kinda hot tho-)
(Shut up you goofy ass simp -13 year old me)

I notice a group of three boys that looks to be two years older than Danny approaching us. Danny hides behind me as i am confused on what is going on.
The three boys stopps in front of us.

"Guys looks like Danny got a new friend! Can't believe he actually managed to get one!"

They start laughing and Danny starts to tear up a little.

"Hey brats! why don't you fuck off and leave him alone or else."

"Off or else what? Aww are you going to use your little rabbit paws to punch me-"

I punch him straight in the face as his friends looks at him horrified. He has a black eye which is slightly bleeding as he looks at me in fear.

"I'm going to chop all of your heads off one by one and I'm going put it on my Christmas tree as Christmas ornaments"

I could see their faces turning pale as they scramble away from the scene, leaving both of us alone once again.

"Are you okay Danny?"
I crouch down on his level as he wipes his tears. He nods his head 'yes'.

"Who were those boys?"

He grabs his notebook and wrote
'they are meanies..they keep making fun of me everytime...'

"Oh buddy come here.."

I hug him but not too tight as it would trigger the spring locks and i feel him hugging back. After a few minutes or so, i stop hugging him and i stand up.

"Sorry kid but i have to go was nice meeting you though"

He smiles before writing on his notebook again.

'thank you for making my day better...i want to spend more time with you but thats okay i understand'

I smile at him.
"No problem kiddo! I'm glad i made your day better! It is spring Bonnie's job to make children happy after all! maybe i can see you again tomorrow. How does that sound?"

He grins and i ruffles his hair. He writes on his notebook again
'if you come again tomorrow,can we meet here?'

"Of course kid! also you can call me William or Mr.Afton if you like"
He nods once again. I said one last good bye to him before getting out of the room.

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