chapter 24

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I opened my eyes and realized that im in the dark abyss again.
I looked around to see if Terrence is here again but i didn't see anyone.
Suddenly everything around me changes.

The dark abyss turned into the old pizzeria.
I could see Micheal and his other friends in the corner of the room talking and laughing.
Then i see Chris and a girl with pigtails that i don't know.

Chris looks like he didn't sleep and he is holding the fredbear plushie that i gave him.
Micheal and his friends puts on there mask before approaching him.
That's when i realized that this was the day that Chris had died.

They began to make fun of him while the little girl tried to protect Chris.
Chris just hugs freadbear close to him as tears welled up in his eyes.
Micheal walks to him before picking him up and walks to the two animatronics on stage.

I began bang on the force field to get to them but i failed as tears began to welled up.
"Michael stop it!don't do it!"
He didn't hear me as his friends walk up to him and watches them.
"No stop!"

I jolted awake panting and covered in sweat.
Why do i keep getting these nightmares..
I wipe the sweat off my head before getting out of the bed and head towards the bathroom.

I opened the door before getting in and locking it behind me.
I washed my face with the sink as the cold water made me shiver a little.
I closed the sink and walked out of the room.

I should probably get a new shirt since this one is covered in sweat.
I got out of the shirt that is covered in sweat and threw it on the floor.
Suddenly the door knob turns as i widened my eyes.

"William your gonna-"
He stops his sentence as he stares at me before his eyes turned wide and both of our cheeks heat up.
He turns around and slams the door close.

What the actual f*ck just happened

-no one-

Cassidy opens her eyes before looking around the room.
She looks at her hands and as expected she is an animatronic again.
She got up before walking to the door and touches the door knob but stops.
'wait i don't know if it's still daytime or not..but i have to look for Gabriel though..'

She hesitantly twists the door knob and opens the door.
She peaked her head out of the door before walking out.
She walks to the main area before hiding behind a broken arcade machine and she hears the sounds children.

'dang it..'
She looks at the stage and what she saw suprised her.
'there are new animatronics!?but why would they replace the others?'
Now that it's nighttime,Cassidy or Golden Freddy began searching for her brother.
She is walking through the hallway when she hears something from the parts and service room.

She opened the door before she sees her "friends" and her brother.
They looked at her with shocked faces as Freddy got up and hugs his sister.

She smiled before hugging him back but stops as she realizes that the others are in the room.
"If it isn't the traitors.."
"We did it because we knew that it was right Cassidy"
"you mean that it's right to let go of a murderer!?he murdered all of us!and i saw him murdered other children aswell!"
"We know but torturing Mr. Afton is too far"Foxy said to Cassidy who just glares at him with anger.
"No it's not!"
"Yes it is!"

They continue to argue for minutes before Bonnie walks between them to stop this.
"Okay that's it!both of you stop!I'm tired of hearing you both argue!now shut up before i tell Mr. Afton to dismantle both of you!"

They both went quiet after that as Foxy just walks outside the room muttering some words.
Chica sighed before getting out of the room as well.
Now it's just the two bears and the bunny in the room.

"Listen,i know you want revenge and all that stuff but i think you should forgive Mr. Afton..he is good guy once you get to know him"
"Whatever.."Freddy said as he crosses his arms.
Bonnie shook his head before walking out of the room.

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