Chapter 45

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I opened the front door as Danny got in first.
We made our way towards the kitchen as we see Liam cooking in there.
"I'm home.."
"Oh hey Will-"

He looks over to me before his eyes widen when he saw the red mark on my cheek.
"William!what happened!?who did this to you!?"
"I'm fine.."
"No your not!"
"*Sigh*Danny please go to the living room.."
He nodded before he walks away

"Okay why is Danny here?and you still haven't answered my question"
"I said I'm fine.."
"No you are clearly not"
"I said I'm fine okay!?"i pushed him off as i hold on to the counter top.

"William stop lying!your clearly hurt!"
"How many times do i have to tell you that I'm fine!?"
He approaches me as he stood in front of me for a moment before hugging me.
"Tell me what happened"
"*Sigh*fine..when Danny and i went to the park,i almost lost Danny but then i saw him with his mom..she was forcing him to get home but interfered and well she ended up slapping me"
"That b*tch!I'm going to kill her!"
"Liam it's fine..
"No its not William!she hurt you and-"


My sentence was cut off as William's lips met mine.
He pulls away as both of our cheeks are red.
"I'm fine okay?"
"Fine..but mind explaining why Danny is here again?"
"Well uhh you don't mind having Danny living in our house now right?"
"Im sorry what now"
"Well I'd figure that Danny's mom isn't really a good parent and I'm afraid she's going to do something bad to him"
"So you want Danny to stay at our house now?"
"*Sigh*fine..but I'm only doing this cause i love you..and maybe i care for Danny too"
"Hah i knew it"


"Danny we have to talk"
He nodded as he sits down on the couch.
" don't mind uhh living here from now on are you?"
Danny's eyes widen as he quickly got his notebook out and started writing.
'im going to stay here?'
"Haha yeah..well if you want to that is.."
'i want to..but what about mommy?'
"Well..i don't know what's gonna happen to her but it's your decision"

He looks down as he looks like he's in deep thoughts.
He looks up at me before he gets up from the couch and hugs me.
'i wanna stay with you'
"You sure bud?"
He nods as he continues to hug me.
I smiled as i pat his head.
"So he's really staying with us now?"
"You do realize this means we have two children now right?"
"Oh i almost forgot about that.."
'what does he mean by that?'

I frozed on my place as i look at him.
How am I supposed to explain this to a seven year old!?
Liam shoved me aside as he kneeled down in front of Danny.


"Well you see Danny,a small little baby is growing on William's stomach"
'on Mr. Afton's stomach?'
"Yes Danny,on Mr. Afton's stomach"
'oh but how did it get there?'

I tried my best not to laugh as Danny has a look of pure confusion.
"Okay it got there is-"
Before i could finish my sentence William pushed me off the side as he glares at me with those scary eyes of his before turning back to him.
"You'll understand that when your older!"
'oh okay'

He sighs as he glares at me one more time before getting up from the floor.
I have such a scary husba- i mean boyfriend
And it looks like i have a son now
Well that's great
I don't know if i meant that as sarcasm or not

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