chapter 15

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I finally did it..
After weeks of no sleep and hard work,i finished the illusion disc...
I put it on my chest like a pin and teleported a mirror in my hand.

It worked..

I look like William now..
Now i can get money by pretending to be William.
(That sounds kinda wrong)
As i got in the building,an employee notices me and approaches me.
"Mr Afton?where have you been these past few weeks?"
"Oh..umm..i was sick for a long time and i have family business to attend"
He gave me a suspicious look before walking away.

I walked towards William's office and opened the door.
The office is dark and a bit of a mess.
I turned the light switch on and sat on the chair.

I noticed a picture on the desk.
It is a picture with William,Henry,Clara and me in it.
All of us were holding hands and i remembered that we took the photo on William's birthday.
I picked the picture up as a smile formed on my face.

Oh the good old days..
I miss it..
I placed the picture back on the desk and started doing some paperwork.
I made my way towards the exit but then i feel a tug on my leg.
I look down to see a little boy with brown hair and brown eyes smiling at me.

He wrote something on a notebook and showed it to me.
'why didn't you visit me in a long time Mr Afton?'
This must be the kid William talked about.

"Umm..i was sick for a long time and i went to visit my family"
He wrote something on his notebook again.
'oh okay,can we hangout now?'
Oh sh*t
If i say no he would get suspicious
I mean i could just kill him..
But William wouldn't want that
I sighed and nodded

"What do you want to do?"
'can we go to the carnival?'he wrote.
"Sure..let's go"
We got in the carnival and oh boy it's crowded.
Not to mention loud
"Alright..what do you want to do first?"
'i want to win one of the prizes'
"Okay,which game do you want to play?"

He pointed to the balloon pop game.
We walked to the tent as a man stood in it.
i paid for three darts and handed them to the little boy.
He throws a dart at one of the balloon and missed.
He tries again and of course he missed.

"You know give me that,I'll win one for you"
I picked the last dart and aimed it at one of the balloons.
I threw it but this time it didn't missed.
"Congrats you won!which prize do you want?"said the man.

He looked at all of the prizes before pointing at a blue elephant plushie.
The man handed him the plushie and we walked away.
"Okay,what next?"
He thought for a moment before writing on his notebook
'Can i ride the carousel?'
"Eh sure,why not?"

We walked to the carousel and the kid started to grin happily at the sight.
I paid for the ride and helped him get on one of the horses.
"Okay hold on tight,also you should probably give me your notebook just incase"
He nods and gives me the notebook.

I watched as the carousel began to spin slowly.
I leaned my hand on the railing and continues to watch the ride.
I helped him get off the horse and we walked away.
"Now what?"
'can we get some cotton candy?'

We began searching for the cotton candy stand as the boy holds my hand.
After a few minutes of searching we finally found it.

"Alright what flavor do you want?"
"One blueberry cotton candy please"
The man nodded and handed me the cotton candy.
I paid for it and we walked off.

He wrote something on his notebook again
'i wanna go to the giant spinny thing'
He pointed at the ferris wheel.
"You mean the ferris wheel?"
He nodded.

"Sure..let's go but after this were done okay?i don't think i have that much money in my wallet anymore"
He nodded again and we walked to the ferris wheel.

I paid for the ride and we both got in.
He sat next to me while eating his cotton candy.
I closed the door and the ferris wheel began to move.

As the ride goes up,i could see a glimpse of the roller coaster.
A shiver went down my spine as i remember that time me and William rode a roller coaster once.

The ferris wheel reached at the very top and we could see the whole carnival from here.
He looks at the sight in awe as he finished his cotton candy.
"The sight is beautiful isn't it?"
He nodded

Why does he remind me of William when he was younger..
I really do miss him..
I remember when me and William went to a carnival when we were young.
It was just me and him
We spend the whole day there and we had lots of fun.
I remember both our parents getting angry at us for staying out too long.
Good memories..

I felt a tug on my shirt and i look to see the little boy giving me a concerned look.
"I'm okay..just thinking of something that's all"
I pat his head as he smiles softly.
We both got corndogs and sat on the nearest bench.
(Yum corndogs)
I took a bite of mine and damn does it taste good.
It's been so long since I've eaten one of these.

"Hey kid"
He looks at me while taking a bite of his corndog.
"What's your name again?"
He looks at me weirdly before writing on his notebook.
'its Danny,but i already told you that'
"Oh uh..i forgot your name because i was so sick and umm yeah"

'oh okay'
We continue to eat our corndogs before i asked him something.
"Danny,aren't your parents gonna be worried about you?i mean it's night time right now"
His face turned sad and he wrote on his notebook.
'mommy is too busy to notice that I'm gone'

"Oh.."was all i said as it turned awkward.
He tugged on my shirt and he wrote something again
'thank you for hanging out with me today Mr Afton'
A smile formed on my face before saying
"No problem arent as bad as i thought you would be"

He smiles before hugging me and i hugged him back.
"Come on,you should go back home now.i want to go home too cause I'm tired"
We both went back to William's car and i helped him get in the car.
I locked the door and put the seatbelt on.

"So you want me to drive you to your house or just drop you off at the pizzeria"
'the pizzeria,i can walk on my own'
We are almost at the pizzeria and i am getting more tired.
I just wanna go home and sleep already.
I looked at mirror and noticed Danny sleeping while hugging the elephant plushie.

Is this what it feels like to have a child?
If it is then it's not that bad..
(Fun fact:the author of this story doesn't want children)

We finally arrived and i parked my car on the parking lot.
I unbuckled my seatbelt and unbuckled Danny's seatbelt too.
I shook him a little to wake him up
"Kid wake up,were already here"
His opened his eyes and rubbed them.
I unlocked the doors and opened it.
I picked Danny up and got out of the car.

I set him down and pats his head.
"Well it was nice spending time with you kid but you have to go now"
He nodded and hugged me again.
"Sheesh don't worry,its not like it will be the last time we will see each other.we can spend time together again tomorrow"
He smiles and stopped hugging me.
He waved me goodbye and walks away leaving me alone.
I smiled before going back in the car and drives back home

So basically this whole chapter is just Glitchtrap spending time with Danny.
It literally warmed my heart making this.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter too

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