chapter 11

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'We know what you did'

What was that?
Am I just hearing things?

'filthy murderer'
'we will never forgive you'

Their voices continues to play in my head. They sounds like... children. It sounds like they are taunting me and it's slowly driving me insane!
Ive had had enough!

"That's it! what the do you want from me!?"

Five of the children that i killed appeared in front of me but they look like ghosts or some sort now..

'free us..'

That was all they said before fading away.

I just stood there processing on what just happened. They wanted me to free them?
Should i..?
if it gets them to leave me alone then I'll do it.

I get up from the chair and walks to the kitchen. I grabbed a piece of paper before writing something on it. I place it on the counter and walks to the front door.

I approach the animatronics with an axe on my hand. I hesitated for a moment before start destroying them one by one as all their metallic parts flys everywhere. The only one i need to destroy now is Foxy..

I make my way towards pirate cove and open the curtains. As i was about to swing the axe at him, his hook slashes my arm as i scream at the pain. I look up at him to see those black and white eyes of his. I dodge as he was about to hit me with his hook again.

I raise my axe and swings at his arm that has the hook on it. I managed to destroy it leaving him defenseless. Sort of. I lunge  myself at him as i knock him down. I raise my axe once again and destroys him with no mercy whatsoever.

After i was done with him, i stand up and cleans the dusts off of me.

"Finally I'm done"

I drop the axe on the ground.

"These cursed robots with their disgusting stench."

I look over to the broken animatronics.

"It's not like anyone cares about this place anymore."

I walk over to a nearby wall and leans on it as i let out a relieved sigh.

"But's good to cover my tracks"

I close my eyes and smile.

"I can't believe i actually did it,i got away with murder"I said as i laugh a little.

'We remember'


'we don't forget'

A wave of panic washes over me as i look around frantically to where the voices could be.

"No,no,no!i already freed you! i thought you would leave me alone!"

'we know what you did'

All of the 5 children's souls appears infront of me.


"Not you!!"

I ran towards the axe that i dropped before i pick it up and throws it at them, but of course nothing happened. They start floating towards me.

"No!! stay back!! stay away from me!!"

I run to a hallway as the souls chased me.
The hallway came to a dead end and i back up against a wall. I frantically look around for any escape or somewhere that i could hide in. Thats when i notice my springbonnie suit sitting on the ground. An idea pops up in my head. An idea i might regret later on.

I could hide in the springbonnie suit.
It maybe dangerous but it's the only way.
I start to put the parts on one by one and after i was done the souls finally arrived.

"Haha! can't get me now!"

I start laughing at them as they just look at me with those soulless eyes of their.
As i continue to laugh, i didn't notice the droplet of water that fell into the the suit.
That's when i hear a small click on my left foot and another a click following behind.
Oh shit..
Please don't tell me..

The springlocks starts to activate and i can feel metal digging deep into my skin.
I let out a blood curdling scream at the amount of pain that i am feeling right now. More springlocks continues to activate and digs deep into every part of my body. I've never been in this amount of pain in such a long time.

"Someone! please help me! Anyone!"

I screamed as another wave of pain hit me. Every inch of my body is in immense pain as i continue to scream for help. I drop down to the ground and my vision starts to blur. So this is really it huh..?
I'm finally dying.
I let out a dry and painful laugh. It's not like there's anyone that i should be living for anyway. It's not like anyone would really care if I'm gone. It's not like anyone would miss me. Heh. well goodbye world.
The last thing i saw was the souls staring down at me before my vision turns completely black.

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