Chapter 42

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We haven't spoken a single word to each other after what happened a few hours ago.
I must've upset him really bad..
Should i apologize to him more?

I sighed and got up from the couch before heading towards the bedroom.
I knocked on the door three times then the door opened.
"Will..can we talk about what happened yesterday please.."
"Sure i guess.."

I got in and we both sat down on the bed just like a few hours ago.
"Will...i still can't believe your is this even possible?"
"I have been asking that question to myself and i still don't know the answer"

"Are we gonna...abort it?..."he asks me with tears already forming in his eyes.
"Of course not!William its our child and we can't just kill it.i always wanted to make a family of my own with you and i can finally have one please don't abort it"

He wipes his tears and smiles before hugging me.
I swear to god i love this man so much.
I smiled and hugged him back.

"I love you Liam..."
"I love you too Will.."

"I'm going to be a dad!"
"Yeah yeah.."
I leaned my head on his shoulder before sighing.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing..I'm just thinking about something that's all"
"What are you thinking about?"
"I'll tell you about it tomorrow but for now i want to sleep"
"But you already slept"
"Hey,I'm carrying your child and I'm tired as f*ck,so let me sleep"
"Okay okay sheesh"


I placed a hand on his abdomen and smiled.
I'll do my best to protect William in his pregnancy at all cost.
Anything to keep him and the unborn baby safe
I kissed his head before going to sleep as well.
I opened my eyes and noticed a hospital bed with me on it.
Is that me?
I heard the heart monitor beside me stopped beeping and doctors and nurses rushing into my room.
Am i dead?
No this cant be
I can't be dead...

I watched as the doctors and nurses trying there best to keep me alive.
Tears started to fall and all i could do is stand here while seeing myself dying.

It's been a whole night since i saw myself died.
And i haven't left the room yet..i don't know where to go...
Two doctors stood beside my dead body while writing something.
I also found out that i have white angel wings and a grey halo floating on top of me.
I have a little bit of blood pouring down my face and my clothes are blood stained.

I heard the front door slammed open and i look to see William looking stressed as ever and he looks like he is panicking as well.
"Sir please calm down-"
"I can't just calm down when my best friend is dead!"
"Listen we are very sorry-"

William approaches my dead body as tears began to pour out of his eyes.
"Liam no..please wake can't just leave me like this..wake up goddamnit!"
"We will leave you be"the doctors then walks away leaving William alone with Liam.
"I'm so so sorry.."
It hurts me seeing him like this..i hate it when he just breaks my heart to see him like this..

More tears continued to stream down his face.
"I love you.."
My cheeks started to heat up at what he just said to me.
I snapped out of my thoughts as William broke down letting all of his emotions out.
I frowned before approaching him and hugged him.

"I know that you won't be able to hear or see me but i want to tell you that I'll always be by your matter what..I'll try my best to protect you without you even knowing and...
i love you too William.."

I kissed him on the cheek before i stopped hugging him.
"I know your dead Liam...but i can feel your presence with felt as if you were hugging me..."
"Good to know Will.."i said with a smile.

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